Archives mensuelles : août 2022

Utilisation du WLAN dans la bande 6 GHz

Nouvelle-Zélande : Utilisation du WLAN dans la bande 6 GHz La Nouvelle-Zélande a désormais rendu 5925–6425 MHz disponible pour le réseau local sans fil (WLAN) suite à une action similaire au Royaume-Uni et en Australie. RSM a maintenant rendu la … Continuer la lecture

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Un contact ARISS est prévu

Un contact ARISS est prévu avec des scouts au Jamboree Scout National Suisse, vallée de Conches, Urlichen Suisse Le Radioamateur de la Station spatiale internationale (ARISS) a reçu la confirmation de l’horaire d’un contact Radio ARISS entre un astronaute à … Continuer la lecture

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OG0C Îles Åland

OG0C Aland Islands Aug 3, 2022 Team consisting UT5UY/OH5UY, OH2MZB, OH2JIU, OH5CZ, OH5CY, OH5ELX and OH5CW will be active from the Aland Islands as OG0C during August 20-27, 2022. QRV on 160-2m from rare KO09; Focus 6m and WARC bands; … Continuer la lecture

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Île de Man

Île de Man Le phare de la pointe d’Ayre est un phare actif du XIXe siècle, situé à la pointe d’Ayre, à l’extrémité nord-est de l’île de Man. phare IM0001 le week-end du 20 et 21 août pour le week-end … Continuer la lecture

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FH4VVK Mayotte

FH4VVK Mayotte Aug 3, 2022 Marek, F4VVJ (ex-J25DXA, J28WR) is now living on Mayotte and has acquired the callsign FH4VVJ. QRV using an IC-718 transceiver on HF bands. Info de la Source * ICI Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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DXpeditions Arctique et Antarctique

DXpeditions Arctic & Antarctic Aug 2, 2022 “Surviving the Elements and Challenging Propagation of Arctic and Sub Antarctic DXpeditions“. Presented by Cezar, VE3LYC, Arctic DXpeditioner and 3Y0J Bouvet team member for the Madison DX Club. Info de la Source * … Continuer la lecture

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T8AR & T8YA Palau

T8AR & T8YA Palau Aug 2, 2022 During November 19-28, 2022 look for Bob, W7YAQ and Al, K7AR to be active from Babeldaob island, OC-009 as T8YA & T8AR. QRV on 160-10m with participation in the CQWW CW contest. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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4W/VK1AO Timor Leste

>4W/VK1AO Timor Leste Aug 2, 2022 [QRT SOON] Alan VK2MET will be active from Dili, Timor Leste as 4W/VK1AO during July 27 to August 4, 2022. QRV on 40-12m, CW & Digi. QRP operation using dipoles. QSL via eQSL, LoTW, … Continuer la lecture

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9N7AA Nepal

9N7AA Nepal Aug 2, 2022 AUGUST 2nd UPDATE (as per 6m ES season has more or less ended in 9N and as of the 5th of August, I will be out of the country. Below are some statistics that … Continuer la lecture

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AP75PAK Pakistan

AP75PAK Pakistan Aug 2, 2022 Pakistan Amateur Radio Society (PARS) will operate under special callsign AP75PAK and Pakistani operators will use AP75 prefix with their existing callsigns for the month of August to celebrate 75 years of Pakistan Independence. QRV … Continuer la lecture

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A35GC Tonga

A35GC Tonga Aug 1, 2022 Stan, LZ1GC and Ivan, LZ1PM have announced they will be active from Tonga as A35GC during November 2-20, 2022. The activity will be on all HF bands (160-6m, including 60m & WARC bands) on CW, … Continuer la lecture

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7Q7EMH Malawi

7Q7EMH Malawi Aug 1, 2022 7Q7EMH is the callsign used at the Embangweni Mission Hospital primarily by Junior 7Q7JN. QSL via Club Log OQRS. Recently, the 7Q5RU operated from this QTH – see detailed info and pictures of that activity … Continuer la lecture

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il y a 18 ans c’est arrivé

18 years ago this happened.. Aug 1, 2022 YVOD – Aves island hit the airwaves. The team made just over 18K QSOs from August 1-4, 2004. The last activity from Aves island was in February 2007 by the YW0DX team … Continuer la lecture

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3B8M Mauritius

3B8M Mauritius Jul 31, 2022 [UPDATE] Team 3B8M will again be QRV during CQWW CW (November 26-27) and a few days before and after the contest as 3B8/homecalls. For the contest, it will be a M/M operation and confirmed operators … Continuer la lecture

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