- Samedi Demain 7 °C
- Dimanche 6 °C
Vent : 1.5 km/h
Humidité : 59%
Mises à jour du blog de la Station spatiale Les marcheurs de l’espace se détendent, la science continue alors que la station orbite plus haut L’astronaute Nicole Mann est photographiée à l’intérieur du sas Quest organisant des outils et du … Continuer la lecture
W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program S/Y Marama enter in WAP-WACA Directory 2 Febbraio 2023 S/Y Marama is a custom sailing yacht launched in 2009 by N2A, in France. Designed to give its crew maximum safety regardless of sea and wind conditions, … Continuer la lecture
Calendrier DX News 425 N°1657 du 04-02-2023 Calendrier DX N°1657 du 04-02-2023
CY0S – Sable Island Feb 3, 2023 NEWS UPDATE – The IPEV answered. It does not object to the TAAF making an amendment so that Thierry can resume contacts under the following conditions: Over 4 rolling weeks only the first … Continuer la lecture
425 DX News Bulletin n. 1657 du 04-02-2023 DX News 425 N°1657 du 04-02-2023 /2022
3Y0J – Bouvet Island (part II) Feb 3, 2023 [FEBRUARY 3 @ 0400Z] Steve, N2AJ (Media Officer) reports the 3Y0J team is very busy working in extreme and difficult conditions to transfer all the equipment and supplies from Marama to … Continuer la lecture