Archives mensuelles : février 2023

CY0S – Île de Sable

CY0S – Sable Island [NEWS UPDTE] – The CY0S DXpedition received great news on Tuesday. Parks Canada – Sable Island has approved the 2M EME operation from the island. It has been many years since any EME activity has taken … Continuer la lecture

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Marama entrer dans WAP-WACA

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program S/Y Marama enter in WAP-WACA Directory 2 Febbraio 2023 S/Y Marama is a custom sailing yacht launched in 2009 by N2A, in France. Designed to give its crew maximum safety regardless of sea and wind conditions,  … Continuer la lecture

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OH6NJ/8 Hailuoto island

OH6NJ/8 Hailuoto island EU-184 Feb 2, 2023 Jarno, OH6NJ informs that he will be active as OH6NJ/8 from Hailuoto island EU-184 during July 24-31, 2023. He says that due to other commitments the operation from Hailuoto will take place in … Continuer la lecture

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L’équipage prépare

Mises à jour du blog de la Station spatiale L’équipage prépare les outils de sortie dans l’espace tout en poursuivant la science avancée il y a12 heures Deux astronautes de l’Expédition 68 continuent de se préparer pour une sortie dans … Continuer la lecture

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FS/VA3ZC St Martin

FS/VA3ZC St Martin Jan 31, 2023 [REMINDER] Paul, VA3ZC will be active from Friar’s Bay, St Martin as FS/VA3ZC during January 31 to February 9, 2023. QRV holiday-style, QRP on 20-10m; FT4/FT8 into a homebrew vertical dipole. QSL via H/c. … Continuer la lecture

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OCCULTATION LUNAIRE DE MARS Dans la nuit de lundi 30 janvier, la Lune est passée directement devant Mars, produisant une occultation lunaire visible depuis le sud des États-Unis et toute l’Amérique centrale. Juan José Ortiz a photographié l’événement depuis Metepec, … Continuer la lecture

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3Y0J Bouvet Island (part II)

3Y0J Bouvet Island (part II) Jan 31, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] The time has come to start a brand new page for the 3Y0J DXpedition. Part I was all about the team leaving home, flying to UK then to VP8, then … Continuer la lecture

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Les radioamateurs célèbrent

Les radioamateurs célèbrent De AB7RG: Le 01-02-2023 Les radioamateurs célèbrent la journée du Kansas : Un camping-car vintage à Edgerton appartenant à l’ancien homme d’affaires Gardner Del Sawyer a été le théâtre samedi dernier d’un événement radio amateur spécial … Continuer la lecture

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>H40WA – Province de Temotu

H40WA – Temotu Province Jan 31, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] Here is the logo for the H40WA Temotu DXpedition scheduled for November 2023. Info below: [JANUARY 26] The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce that we will activate H40 Temotu Province … Continuer la lecture

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