- Vendredi Demain 9 °C
- Samedi 7 °C
Vent : 1.8 km/h
Humidité : 100%
Attention Rappel QTR : Changement d’heure d’Été 25/03/2023 Dans la nuit de samedi 25 Mars au dimanche 26 Mars 2023 il sera : Le passage à l’heure d’été se fera le 25/03/2023 à 02:00 heure du matin, il sera 03:00 … Continuer la lecture
The FREE DX-World Weekly Bulletin #501 23 Mars 2023 It’s Thursday again and that means The FREE DX-World Weekly Bulletin written by Bjorn ON9CFG is available to download. Click on the image below to get the latest jam-packed edition. Previous … Continuer la lecture
E6AF & E6CI – Niue 23 Mars 2023 [UPCOMING] During March 26 to April 9, look for Janusz SP9FIH & Leszek SP6CIK to be active from Niue. Previously, E6AF was active in 2019 by SP9FIH. SP6CIK has requested a callsign … Continuer la lecture
CY0S – Sable Island 23 Mars 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – With much disappointment, the CY0S team had to abandon the real time logging updates. The internet on Sable is not stable enough and drops out fairly regularly. This caused many … Continuer la lecture
D4NA – Cape Verde 23 Mars 2023 Timo OH1NOA / OH1NA will operate as D4NA from Sal Island, Cabo Verde, AF-086 during March 30 to April 6, 2023. IOTA AF-086. QRV holiday-style with a plan to activate two new D4FF … Continuer la lecture
VP9KF – Bermuda 23 Mars 2023 During the period April 12-26, look for Paul VP9KF to be active from Baileys Bay, Bermuda on CW with a focus on JA & Far East; all bands. Participation also expected in the CQMM … Continuer la lecture