Archives quotidiennes : 3 août 2023

Arrêt réussi des transmissions radar SuperDARN

Arrêt réussi des transmissions radar SuperDARN dans la bande 20 m    Le 13 avril 2023 à 1119 UTC, Pekka, OH2BLU, coordinateur de la surveillance finlandaise des intrusions (alias Bandwacht) a observé les transmissions d’un radar SuperDARN (Super Dual Auroral … Continuer la lecture

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ZL7A – Chatham Island

ZL7A – Chatham Islands 02-08-2023 Team consisting of JF1OCQ, JA1SVP & JE1SYN will be active from Chatham Islands as ZL7A during November 9-22, 2023. QRV on 160-6m + SAT IO-117 (430mHz). Equipment: 3 x transceivers, verticals and dipoles for HF. … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans DX, DX-pedition, Infos DX, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire

5U – Niger DXpedition

5U – Niger DXpedition 02-08-2023 NEWS UPDATE – Due to the current situation in Niger (5U), the DXpedition planned by F6KOP in October 2023 has been postponed. In the meantime, however F6KOP plans to leave in October, but to another … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans DX, DX-pedition, Infos DX, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire

A22EW – Botswana

C21TS – Nauru 02-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Here’s the very latest info from Phil: Plans moving along for a permanent QTH and it’s hoped that I’d move in next week some time. After that setup will be relatively quick. Looks … Continuer la lecture

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