Archives quotidiennes : 6 novembre 2023

Informations TX5S – Île de Clipperton

Informations TX5S – Clipperton Island 05/11/2023 TX5S Clipperton Island Press Release #7 Clipperton is now #26 most wanted in Europe and remains #37 most wanted globally. FT8 and 60m have never been activated from Clipperton, the pileups will be deep … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans DX, DX-pedition, Infos DX, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire

Informations TJ9MD – Cameroon<

Informations TJ9MD – Cameroon 05/11/2023 [UPDATE] – All antennas are now assembled and full quota of stations running. Sometimes there’s a short power-cut and this can affect the log uploads when using back-up generator, but generally electricity is stable. Tomorrow … Continuer la lecture

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Informations A25R – Botswana 2023

Informations A25R – Botswana 2023 05/11/2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – As the team are on course to make +100K QSOs, here’s a short video showing antennas at their QTH. They are QRV from Botswana for another week. Continue reading —» HERE … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 7O8AD & 7O8AE – Yémen

Informations 7O8AD & 7O8AE – Yemen 05/11/2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Ken 7O8AD reports: We have around 8000 QSO’s as of Sunday lunchtime. We had some issued with RFI and station interference. We solved this. I also had some CW keyboard … Continuer la lecture

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Informations Radioamateur au Cambodge

Informations Ham Radio in Cambodia 05/11/2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – With the current XU7GNY activity falling into the ambiguous category here’s some info from July this year following on from the June news we initially published: Please be informed that the … Continuer la lecture

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