Archives mensuelles : novembre 2017

TO2SP – St Barts

TO2SP – St Barts November 16, 2017 NEWS UPDATE — So here we are on St. Barts on day 2 and still no luggage… We drove to the airport to check the status and were told that our luggage is … Continuer la lecture

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What is this ?

What is this ? November 16, 2017 Dima RA9USU poses this question? I have a picture of something on top of Bartazuga Mountain (summit which divides Sudan and Bir Tawil). Nobody knows what it’s for! It’s making me crazy! Anyone … Continuer la lecture

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TO2SP – St Barts

TO2SP – St Barts November 15, 2017 NEWS UPDATE — We left on Monday, November 13 by car from Wroclaw to Berlin and spent the night in Berlin. Our flight to Paris Charles de Gaulle was at 6 AM the … Continuer la lecture

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Macao 2018 DXpedition

Macao 2018 DXpedition November 15, 2017 PRESS RELEASE # 01 After 8 months of preparation, we are proud to announce a DXpedition to Macao (XX9) from March 9th, 2018 to March 17th, 2018. Although this DXpedition does not count on … Continuer la lecture

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FG/F6ARC – Guadeloupe

FG/F6ARC – Guadeloupe November 15, 2017 Oliver, F6ARC will be QRV as FG/F6ARC from Guadeloupe (NA-102) between November 15-29, 2017 (focus on low bands – also active as a Single Op/Single Band entry on 15 meters during the CQWW CW … Continuer la lecture

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PZ5V – Suriname

PZ5V – Suriname November 14, 2017 PZ5V will be operated by members of the Voodoo Contest Group from around Sunday, 19th November to Tuesday, 28th November 2017. Team members will be Ned/AA7A, Ray/G4FON, John/G4IRN, Lee/KY7M. Unfortunately Bud/N7CW has dropped out … Continuer la lecture

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FK/JR3RIU – New Caledonia

FK/JR3RIU – New Caledonia November 14, 2017 Masa, JR3RIU informs DX-World that he will be active from New Caledonia as FK/JR3RIU during the upcoming CQWW CW DX contest (Nov 25-26). QRV mainly on 20m. QSL via LoTW. TAGS FK/JR3RIU New … Continuer la lecture

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[UPDATE] 9U4M – Burundi

[UPDATE] 9U4M – Burundi November 14, 2017 NOVEMBER 14 @ 0645Z – The days go by but the spread is never the same from one day to the next. On low bands for example, it can be all good one … Continuer la lecture

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5X8B – Uganda

5X8B – Uganda November 13, 2017 Andy, DL3YM will be active from Entebbe, Uganda as 5X8B during the CQWW DX CW contest (Nov 25-26). Most likely QRV as SOAB LP. QSL via H/c, LotW. TAGS 5X8B Uganda Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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5T5TI – AF-050 Tidra Island

5T5TI – Tidra Island, AF-050 November 13, 2017 9K2AI (5T2AI), A61M and A92AA will be active from Tidra island, AF-050 as 5T5TI between December 1-7, 2017. QSL via NI5DX. Note: UA4WHX was also active as 5T5TI in December 2016. TAGS … Continuer la lecture

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EG1ET – EU-077

EG1ET – Salvora Island, EU-077 November 12, 2017 Team – EA1ET, EA2VE, EA2DXW, EA1RG, EA2ELB, EA2DLX, EA1DFP, EA2RC. Radio Amateurs from Spain will be active from Salvora Island, IOTA EU – 077, 18 – 19 November 2017 as EG1ET. TAGS … Continuer la lecture

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5T1A & 5T1R – Mauritania

5T1A & 5T1R – Mauritania November 12, 2017 Fawaz, A92AA and Obaid, A61M will be active from Nouakchott, Mauritania as 5T1A & 5T1R between November 20 to December 20, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via A92AA. TAGS 5T1A 5T1R … Continuer la lecture

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ZA1WW Z60WW – Albania & Kosovo

ZA1WW & Z60WW – Albania & Kosovo November 12, 2017 ALBANIA AND KOSOVO in CQWW CW CONTEST The Kosovar Amateur Radio Association, SHRAK with the National Association Radioamateurs of Albania, NARA are organizing a multi-multi effort from the coastal city … Continuer la lecture

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J5T – Guinea Bissau

[REMINDER] J5T – Guinea Bissau DXpedition November 12, 2017 Latest news from J5T — We plan to reach the island on Monday 13th, in the morning. Operations will follow shortly, with the first station on RTTY. TAGS Guinea Bissau Italian … Continuer la lecture

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[UPDATE] HK/LU9EFO & HK3TU – IOTA tour November 11, 2017 NEWS UPDATE – Due to the great stoppage of pilots of the Avianca Local Airline of Colombia, the team of the dxpedition IOTA SA040 and SA093 Martin Butera LU9EFO and … Continuer la lecture

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Quelques – liens intéressent

Bonjour les amis, voici quelques liens reçu de notre ami Serge REVUES DIVERSES EN LIGNE MFJ catalogue CQ – DATV n° 53 RADIORAMA revue n° 73 73’s de Serge ON3WP

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