Archives mensuelles : novembre 2017

Argentine bandes 5 MHz et 472 KHz

Argentine Radioamateurs ont les bandes 5 MHz et 472 KHz      Les Radioamateurs argentins obtiennent des bandes 5 MHz et 472 kHz Le RadioClub Argentino a réussi avec sa pétition à leurs autorités locales de communication pour gagner 630m et 60m … Continuer la lecture

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DFCF 40 086 par Philippe F5MSB/P

DFCF 40 086 par Philippe F5MSB/P le 11/11/2017      Un QSP de Philippe F5MSB/P en activation au château de Muret à GRENADE sur l’ADOUR DFCF 40 086 dans l’après-midi de ce samedi 11 novembre 2017 Bonne chance, Bon 11 novembre 73 et … Continuer la lecture

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I2MQP Mario Ambrosi Président

I2MQP Mario Ambrosi Président de l’ARI SK (Silent KEYS)                I2MQP Mario SILENCE KEY Le Président de l’ARI et ancien Secrétaire Général Mario Ambrosi, I2MQP est décédé subitement le 6 novembre à l’âge de 74 ans. Licencié depuis 1975, il … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Calendrier DX

A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425 N°1384 du 11/11/2017 Mauro Pregliasco  A.R.I.Calendrier DX No 1384 du 11/11/2017 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile … Continuer la lecture

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6W/ON4AVT – Mbour Senegal

6W/ON4AVT – Senegal November 10, 2017 Willy, ON4AVT will be active from Mbour, Senegal as 6W/ON4AVT during February 2018. QRV on 20m CW, SSB & Digi. QSL via H/c. TAGS 6W/ON4AVT Senegal Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Le … Continuer la lecture

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JW2US Bear Island, Svalbard

JW2US – Bear Island, Svalbard November 10, 2017 Erik, LA2US is returning to Bear Island, Svalbard in early December and staying there for the next six months. QRV spare time as JW2US on HF bands, CW/Digi. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, … Continuer la lecture

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[REMINDER] 5K0T – San Andres Island November 10, 2017 LU1FM, LU2JCW, LU3FMD, LU6FOV, LU9FHF, KK6EK will be active from San Andres Island as 5K0T between November 12-25, 2017. Full info found here TAGS 5K0T San Andres Island Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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TO2BC & FY/DL7BC – French Guiana November 9, 2017 Hartwig, DL7BC says: I am planning to operate under TO2BC in the BARTG HF RTTY Contest on the weekend March 17th and 18th as well as on the following weekend March … Continuer la lecture

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9U4M – Burundi

[UPDATE] 9U4M – Burundi November 9, 2017 NOVEMBER 9 — “Thank you for your comments, but do not compare 3C and 9U. We are not in West Africa and not at the seaside. Moreover, solar indexes are not in our … Continuer la lecture

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VP9/DK7LX – Bermuda

VP9/DK7LX – Bermuda November 9, 2017 Georg DK7LX is active from Bermuda as VP9/DK7LX until 21st November. Logsearch on his page. Georg says he will improve antennas tomorrow and will be QRV on 40-15 CW, holiday-style. TAGS Bermuda VP9/DK7LX … Continuer la lecture

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[UPDATE] 9U4M – Burundi

[UPDATE] 9U4M – Burundi November 7, 2017 NEWS 2 @ 16:00 UTC: Material blocked until tomorrow morning! Team 9U4M NOVEMBER 7 — We have not yet recovered the customs material. After multiple negotiations, it is possible that we have it … Continuer la lecture

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5N7Q – Nigeria

5N7Q – Nigeria November 7, 2017 Bodo, DF8DX will be in Nigeria from 12-16 November 2017. He will take some equipment to be QRV again as 5N7Q. If you hear him with big signal, then he is QRV from the … Continuer la lecture

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EL2EF – Liberia

EL2EF – Liberia November 6, 2017 (credit EL2EL) Eric, EL2EF is a new ham radio operator from Liberia. He’s the nephew of Dickson, EL2DT and was recently active for the first time along with EL2EL & EL2GM. So far he … Continuer la lecture

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HQ9X – NA-057

HQ9X – Roatan Island, NA-057 November 6, 2017 W1UE, K1XM and KQ1F will be active as HQ9X from Roatan Island NA-057 during the CQWW DX Contest, CW (Nov 25-26, 2017). Before contest will be HR9/homecall. QSLs for HR9/ to home … Continuer la lecture

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9U4M – Burundi

[UPDATE] 9U4M – Burundi November 6, 2017 NEWS — After a stopover of almost 5 hours in Ethiopia, we arrived this a.m in Burundi. The only “slight problem” is that all the equipment is stuck in customs despite a complete … Continuer la lecture

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VP2MDL – Montserrat

[UPCOMING] VP2MDL – Montserrat November 6, 2017 A team consisting of DJ6TF, DK1BT, DL4WK, DL7DF, DL7UFR, DL7VEE and SP3DOI will be active from Montserrat as VP2MDL between November 6-20, 2017. QRV with two stations from 160m through 10m on CW, … Continuer la lecture

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