Archives mensuelles : novembre 2017

TO2SP – St Barts

[UPDATE] TO2SP – St Barts November 6, 2017 NEWS UPDATE — Yesterday the 5-person Polish part of the TO2SP DXpedition met at the QTH of Janusz SP6IXF in order to make our final preparations before departure. We distributed all our … Continuer la lecture

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RAF 14-Semaine 45-2017

La Revue Radioamateurs France RAF 14-Semaine 45-2017 Bonjour à toutes et tous Tout d’abord le salon de Monteux, remerciements aux organisateurs, il faut le préciser car au fil des années tout est parfait de l’organisation à l’accueil. La foule des … Continuer la lecture

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QSL preview – EL2BB

QSL preview – EL2BB November 5, 2017 Dave EI9FBB was recently active from Monrovia, Liberia as EL2BB making 1500 QSOs during 24 hours casual operating. TAGS EL2BB QSL Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Le 05 Novembre 2017 QSL … Continuer la lecture

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P29VXG – Papua New Guinea

P29VXG – Papua New Guinea November 5, 2017 Haru, JA1XGI will again be active from Rapopo, New Britain Island OC-008, Papua New Guinea as P29VXG between February 1-8, 2018. Focus on EU and 160m. QSL via H/c. Webpage TAGS OC-008 … Continuer la lecture

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9L/KW4XJ – Sierra Leone

9L/KW4XJ – Sierra Leone November 5, 2017 QTH at 9L/KW4XJ Mark, KW4XJ is on an overseas assignment to Freetown, Sierra Leone. Temporarily operating as 9L/KW4XJ while he waits on application to be approved for a permanent 9L callsign. Station is … Continuer la lecture

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4W/OZ1AA – Timor Leste

4W/OZ1AA – Timor Leste November 5, 2017 UPDATE – Thomas 4W/OZ1AA sends these exclusive pics for DX-World readers. Thanks Thomas! Cliquez sur une vignette pour agrandir la photo OCTOBER 17 – Thomas, OZ1AA will be active from East Timor as … Continuer la lecture

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45ème anniversaire de MFJ

45ème anniversaire de MFJ Voir le catalogue 2017 : Vidéo : Info de la Source Publié * ICI

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TO5W – Martinique

TO5W – Martinique November 4, 2017 Adrian (KO8SCA) is planning a 7-day Holiday-style DXpedition to Martinique during November 21-28, 2017. He will be using the special callsign TO5W for the entire week, including the CQWW-CW 2017 contest. Activity will be … Continuer la lecture

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PS0F – Fernando de Noronha

PS0F – Fernando de Noronha November 4, 2017 PP2BT and PY7RP will be active from Fernando de Noronha as PS0F during the CQWW CW DX contest (Nov 25-26). OQRS via Clublog / Direct QSLs / No Bureau. TAGS Fernando de … Continuer la lecture

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5X1O – Uganda

5X1O – Uganda November 4, 2017 NEWS UPDATE – Jonathan, 5X1O will be QRV in Uganda from November 8-20, 2017. He will not be on the air everyday, but aiming for early mornings / evenings (EA times) on 40, 20, … Continuer la lecture

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TO2SP – St Barts

[UPDATE] TO2SP – St Barts November 4, 2017 NEWS UPDATE — After searching hard for alternatives, we were able to book flights for the entire Polish group on the Berlin-Saint Barts route. The flights are not as convenient as they … Continuer la lecture

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XR0YD – Easter Island

XR0YD – Easter Island November 1, 2017 Herewith our team announces the next DXpedition to Easter Island (CE0Y). This time the group consists of experienced team members Andy, DH8WR, Werner, DJ9KH, Guenter, DL2AWG, Norbert, DL2RNS, Georg, DL4SVA, Paul, DL5CW, Olaf, … Continuer la lecture

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5L3BI – AF-111P

5L3BI – Baiyah Island, AF-111P – Liberia November 1, 2017 NEWS UPDATE, NOVEMBER 1 @ 19:45z – After trying for 2 days the 5L3BI team couldn’t make a landing. Way too dangerous. Jeremy EI5GM and Col MM0NDX almost capsized next … Continuer la lecture

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VK9/M0VFC – Norfolk Island

VK9/M0VFC – Norfolk Island October 30, 2017 Just a quick heads up that I’m hoping to be QRV from Norfolk Island as VK9/M0VFC from 3-6th November, assuming all the plans hang together. Since it’s just me, and only a long … Continuer la lecture

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