Archives mensuelles : janvier 2018

3Y0Z – Bouvet 2018

[UPDATE] 3Y0Z – Bouvet 2018 January 7, 2018 The Bouvet Island DXpedition – 3YØZ Press Release # 10 We recently reached yet another milestone in our quest to activate Bouvet Island. DAP, the Chilean company that owns and operates the … Continuer la lecture

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Galette des Roisaux

Galette des Roisaux aux Radio Club A-R-A-S & ON6RM Galette des Rois au Radio-Club Saint Ghislainois & ON6RM Le 06 Janvier 2018 à 14:00 étais de la partie ON3WP Serge, ON3WZ Michel, ON4XM Dominique, ON4CN Claude, ON5CC Claude, ON6FS Freddy, … Continuer la lecture

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K3LP Silent Key

K3LP – Silent Key January 6, 2018 Very sad news recently received. David Collingham, K3LP, is Silent Key. David had been on over 70 DXpeditions, visited over 100 different DXCC entities, operating from 62 of them. He was a leader … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News

A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1392 du 06/01/2018 Mauro Pregliasco A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1392 du 06/01/2018! =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N RME W S *** ******* Bultino ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & … Continuer la lecture

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[UPDATES] 6O6O – Somalia

[UPDATES] 6O6O – Somalia January 5, 2018 JANUARY 5[2] — Kenneth and Adrian report they’ve had some issues with the hotel about installation. 80m full size vertical is installed today. Beverage is also installed. The 20-10m beam is running. They … Continuer la lecture

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V31JZ/p – NA-180

V31JZ/p – South Water Caye NA-180, Belize January 5, 2018 Art, NN7A, will operate as V31JZ/p from South Water Caye, Belize (NA-180) from 8-14 February 2018. This will be a one-person operation using a 100 watt transceiver and wire antennas. … Continuer la lecture

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6Y2T – Jamaica

6Y2T – Jamaica January 5, 2018 Yuri, VE3DZ will again be active from Jamaica as 6Y2T between February 13-20, 2018. Participation in ARRL DX CW Contest (Feb 17-18). QSL via H/c. TAGS 6Y2T Jamaica Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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V31AX – Belize

V31AX – Belize January 5, 2018 Paul, VE3AXT is again active from Consejo Shores, Corozal, Belize as V31AX until April 4, 2018. QRV using an IC-7000, 100 watts to G5RV dipole. QSL via M0URX. TAGS Belize V31AX Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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Les bulletins Radioamateurs

Bonjour les amis Ci-joint les bulletins Radioamateurs pour la semaine 02 DIVERS BULLETINS VU SUR LE SITE DE ON5VL Des ports COM virtuels pour faire fonctionner plus de programmes Les statistiques de l’U.B.A. au 29 … Continuer la lecture

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Amateur Radio News…

European Radio Amateurs’ Organization open to the world wide amateur radio community Amateur Radio News… FT8 Party: un grand succès !!! For the last EURAO Party, the one in Autumn 2017, devoted to "FT8, a brand new mode", we have … Continuer la lecture

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6O6O – Somalia

[UPDATE] 6O6O – Somalia January 3, 2018 NEWS UPDATE II — Kenneth updates that not all luggage arrived. High noise levels so far. Hope to put up some receive antennas tomorrow. TAGS 6O6O Somalia Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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RI1ANC – Vostok Base, Antarctica

RI1ANC – Vostok Base, Antarctica January 3, 2018 NEWS UPDATE — From time to time a second station at RI1ANC may be active. This is a new operator called Zahar. Please be patient with his slow CW, however he is … Continuer la lecture

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DU0DM – Corregidor Island, OC-244 January 2, 2018 A group consisting DU1MS, DV1ZDR, DV1ZDQ, DV1YZD, DW1QRZ, DW1XNG, DU1YMD, DU1YLR, DU1XRF and 4G1ABT will be active as DU0DM from Corregidor Island, OC-244 during January 13-14, 2018. QRV on 40-10m; CW/SSB/Digi. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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J3/G0VJG – Grenada

J3/G0VJG – Grenada January 2, 2018 Nobby, G0VJG will be active from Grenada during June 13-27, 2018. Focus on 6m SSB + HF bands. Callsign pending. QSL via G4DFI. TAGS Grenada J3/G0VJG Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Le … Continuer la lecture

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YB9/F5LIT – Bali, Indonesia

YB9/F5LIT – Bali, Indonesia January 2, 2018 Emmanuel, F5LIT will again be active from Bali, OC-022 as YB9/F5LIT between January 30 to February 10, 2018. QRV on 20, 17 & 15m SSB. QSL via home call direct, LoTW. TAGS Bali … Continuer la lecture

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6O6O – Somalia

[UPCOMING] 6O6O – Somalia January 1, 2018 Kenneth, LA7GIA and Adrian, KO8SCA bring some good news for the festive period! “We have received an invitation from the Ministry to come and do amateur radio transmission in Somalia. We have received … Continuer la lecture

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