Archives mensuelles : janvier 2019

KH8/OZ1RH & KH8/OZ0J – American Samoa

KH8/OZ1RH & KH8/OZ0J – American Samoa January 1, 2019 Palle, OZ1RH and Joe OZ0J will be at the IDXC in April 2019. After the convention they will visit American Samoa and be active between 15 and 22 April 2019. QRV … Continuer la lecture

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ZL7C – Chatham Islands

ZL7C – Chatham Islands December 31, 2018 Primarily active during the CQ WPX SSB contest (March 30-31, 2019), look for ZL2AYZ & ZL2BGL from Chatham Islands as ZL7C. Activity outwith contest (March 28 to April 2) on 80-15m, CW/SSB/FT8/RTTY. Verticals … Continuer la lecture

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J20DX – Djibouti DXpedition 2019

J20DX – Djibouti DXpedition 2019 December 31, 2018 After their successful EL2EL/4 DXpedition to AF-111NEW, Col MM0NDX and Jonathan MM0OKG are delighted to announce another exciting IOTA/DXCC Project – this time to Djibouti, East Africa. Activity is planned from both … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Infos DX, IOTA, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire