Archives mensuelles : mars 2019

RI1ANY – Antarctica

RI1ANY – Antarctica Mika, RI1ANY MARCH 10 – Picture below of Mika R2AUR/MM on board Vasiliy Golovnin currently in the middle of a «nightmare storm» in Antarctic. He is 7 miles from destination but is currently going nowhere due to … Continuer la lecture

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CW Boot Camp 2019 – Scotland

CW Boot Camp 2019 – Scotland Operating positions at GM6NX Today I visited Scotland’s premier radio club – GM6NX – who hosted the 2019 GMDX CW Boot Camp. Tutors at the Boot Camp were well known Scottish DXers, Rob GM3YTS, … Continuer la lecture

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Z66Y – Kosovo

Z66Y – Kosovo A joint Turkish-Kosovan activity consisting YOTA (Youth on the Air) operators Z63CAB, Z63DBB, Z63DBM, TA7AOF and TA7AZC. Activity during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 30-31, 2019). QSL via Z62FB. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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3D2 – Fiji

3D2 – Fiji Oleh, KD7WPJ (ex-E51BCP) will be actve from Viti Levu, Fiji during March 11-16, 2019. Callsign not yet known. QRV on 40-12m, SSB and CW; 100w with dipoles and verticals. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 3D2 … Continuer la lecture

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ST2/EK6KO – Sudan

ST2/EK6KO – Sudan Working for the UN World Food Program, Arik EK6KO is now based in Khartoum, Sudan for the next 3 to 4 years. While waiting for the callsign ST2DO he is signing ST2/EK6DO working on 40-20-17-15m, CW & … Continuer la lecture

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Les bulletins Radioamateurs de la semaine 10

Bonjour les amis, Les bulletins Radioamateurs de la semaine 10 DIVERS BULLETINS VU SUR LE SITE RADIOAMATEURS FRANCE SSTV sur SMARTPHONE par F4IEY page 26 à 29 DUPLEXEUR par ON4IJ page 35 à … Continuer la lecture

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KH0/KC0W – Saipan Island

KH0/KC0W – Saipan Island KH0/KC0W – Saipan Island, Northern Mariana Islands By Tom Callas, KC0W I’ve always enjoyed operating from DX locations. Unfortunately the money always going out & nothing is ever coming in while DXing from overseas. Another issue … Continuer la lecture

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9N7BN – Nepal

9N7BN – Nepal Yuki, JH1NBN will be active from Nepal as 9N7BN March 7-9, 2019. QRV on HF bands, CW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 9N7BN – Nepal Yuki, JH1NBN sera actif du Népal en utilisant l’indicatif 9N7BN … Continuer la lecture

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XZ2C – Myanmar

XZ2C – Myanmar NEWS UPDATE – Yuki XZ2C will again be active from Myanmar during March 20-28. FEBRUARY 14, 2019 – Yuki, JH1NBN (ex-S21ZBA, V63AQ, C21BN, A52W) has now obtained his license from Myanmar and will soon be active from … Continuer la lecture

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YJ0GA – Vanuatu

YJ0GA – Vanuatu Malowia Guest House Geoff, ZL3GA will be active as YJ0GA from the Malowia Guest House, Northern Efate Isl (OC-035) during July 21 to August 2, 2019. His QTH is a beachfront location. QRV using a CrankIr and … Continuer la lecture

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E6AF – Niue

E6AF – Niue Janusz, SP9FIH will soon be active from Mutalau village, Niue as E6AF. Activity will last a few weeks and you can read more info here Version traduite en Français via Google Translate E6AF – Niue Janusz, SP9FIH … Continuer la lecture

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VE7ACN/VE2 – Anticosti Island, NA-077

VE7ACN/VE2 – Anticosti Island, NA-077 Mike, VE7ACN is going to be active from NA-077, Anticosti island like VE7ACN/VE2. He plans to be active on August 21-31. — Andrey Teterukov (@AndyEU7A) March 5, 2019 Source de d’info

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QSO OPERA avec 2,5 milliwatt

QSO OPERA avec 2,5 milliwatt sur Es’hail-2 / QO-100 Markus Vester DF6NM a utilisé avec succès OPERA en mode numérique pour envoyer un signal de 2,5 milliwatt via le transpondeur de radio amateur de 2,4 à 10 GHz du satellite … Continuer la lecture

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Un mois sans taches solaires

Un mois sans taches solaires !!! Un mois sans taches solaires Le soleil vient de passer un mois calendaire sans taches solaires. La dernière fois que cela s’est produit, en août 2008, le soleil était au … Lire la suite … Continuer la lecture

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W5IG – Un amplificateur HF

W5IG – Un amplificateur HF doté d’un système de refroidissement novateur Hi ! Lire la suite Info de la Source Publié * ICI

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QSL preview – 9LY1JM

QSL preview – 9LY1JM The 9LY1JM QSL cards were recently ordered and the team expect to send them out within a few weeks. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate QSL preview – 9LY1JM Les cartes QLYS 9LY1JM ont été … Continuer la lecture

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