- Lundi Demain 2 °C
- Mardi 2 °C
Vent : 1.5 km/h
Humidité : 85%
5W0FY & 5W0GK Samoa Look for Lee, VK3GK and Chris, VK3FY to be active from Samoa as 5W0GK and 5W0FY in the Oceania DX CW Contest this weekend. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 5W0FY & 5W0GK Samoa Lee, … Continuer la lecture
5T2KW & 5T5PA Mauritania Johannes 5T5PA and Evert 5T2KW inform DX-World that they will be active in October 2019 from a special location in Mauritania from the evening of the 19th until the morning of the 26th. Evert, 5T2KW Their … Continuer la lecture
VP8/VP8DXU South Orkney Islands South Orkney Islands DX-pedition VP8/VP8DXU (AN-008) ARRL Colvin Award We are honored to have received a significant grant from the ARRL’s Colvin Award program. The Colvin Award is funded by an endowment established by Lloyd D. … Continuer la lecture
Bonjour les amis, Les bulletins Radioamateurs de la semaine 41 DIVERS BULLETINS http://www.solarham.net/ http://f8ref.r-e-f.org/bulletins/bulref.pdf https://dx-world.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/DX_321.pdf https://whro.associations-radioamateurs.org/newswhro/ http://www.iarums-r1.org/iarums/latest.pdf https://dx-world.net/ VU SUR LE SITE RADIOAMATEURS FRANCE Conversation EME 144 MHz QRP sur YouTube Vidéo, La Louvière par Jean Pierre F6CDX Répéteur GB3JV … Continuer la lecture