Archives mensuelles : octobre 2019

YJ0CA – Vanuatu

YJ0CA – Vanuatu Chris, VK2YUS will again be active as YJ0CA from Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu during October 22-30, 2019. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate YJ0CA – Vanuatu Chris, VK2YUS sera à nouveau actif en utilisant … Continuer la lecture

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TT8SN – Chad

TT8SN – Chad Nicolas, F8FQX (ex-TJ3SN, TN5SN, 5T5SN, TY2AC) has now acquired the callsign TT8SN. As yet we do not know further details but stay tuned.. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate TT8SN – Chad Nicolas, F8FQX (ex-TJ3SN, TN5SN, … Continuer la lecture

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TX7T Marquesas Islands 2019

TX7T Marquesas Islands 2019 NEWS UPDATE – The Can-Am DXpedition team will arrive in French Polynesia on November 3rd. While in Tahiti (FO), there will be some activity – including low bands – for a couple of days/nights. The team … Continuer la lecture

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Video – CY9C, St Paul Island

Video – CY9C, St Paul Island CY9C 2019 took place during end July / start August. Detailed info here. Video by N2IEN. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Video – CY9C, St Paul Island La CY9C 2019 a eu … Continuer la lecture

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ZK3A – Tokelau 2019

[UPDATES] ZK3A – Tokelau 2019 ZK3A WEBSITE / LOGS OCTOBER 8, 2019 – The team is happy to announce that after 7 days on the island we have around 50,000 QSOs! We have worked on CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8, 6m … Continuer la lecture

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9G5GS – Ghana

9G5GS – Ghana Matt 9G5GS is again active from Sanzule, Ellembelle District, Ghana until October 23, 2019. QRV on 6m to 160m, using mostly FT8 Fox/Hound and SSB. LoTW now available, also QSL Direct via home call IZ4YGS. Matt mentions … Continuer la lecture

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UA0LCZ/P – Popov Island, AS-066

UA0LCZ/P – Popov Island, AS-066 Look for UA0LCZ/P to be active from Popov Island, AS-066 during October 10-14, 2019. QRV on 80-17m, CW. QSL via H/c. Ops: UA0LCZ & UD0LEN. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate UA0LCZ/P – Popov … Continuer la lecture

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FO/K5PI – French Polynesia

FO/K5PI – French Polynesia Robert, K5PI will be active from Tahiti as FO/K5PI during the CQWW CW Contest (Nov 23-24, 2019). Activity on 40-10m. QSL via H/c. NOTE: Robert is team member of TX7T Marquesas Islands DXpedition Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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D44EA – Cape Verde

D44EA – Cape Verde Jan, OK7JR will be active from Sal island, AF-086 as D44EA during October 10-22, 2019. QRV on HF. QSL via LoTW, eQSL. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate D44EA – Cape Verde Jan, OK7JR sera … Continuer la lecture

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W8S – Swains Island

W8S – Swains Island NEWS UPDATE – Team now added to W8S website. [see main pic] SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 – From 10-25 March 2020 an international team of 10 operators will be active from Swains Island as W8S. QRV on … Continuer la lecture

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Récepteur CW simple et performant

Récepteur CW simple et performant pour la bande 40 m de 3V8HB L’objet de cet article est la construction d’un récepteur Ondes Courtes réalisable en un week-end et qui présente les meilleures performances possibles pour le minimum d’investissement. Il est … Continuer la lecture

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ZK3A – Tokelau 2019

[UPDATES] ZK3A – Tokelau 2019 ZK3A WEBSITE / LOGS OCTOBER 6, 2019 – The team is working extremely hard to contact as many operators as possible. They have been dealing with very hot & humid conditions and strong gale force … Continuer la lecture

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T88UW – Palau

T88UW – Palau Ichy, JH7IPR will again be active from Palau as T88UW during October 10-16, 2019. QRV on CW/SSB/RTTY/FT8. QSL via H/c (buro/direct). Logs uploaded to LoTW and Club Log. 2018 activity Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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PY0F – Fernando de Noronha

PY0F – Fernando de Noronha Members of the Noronha Contest Group will be active as PY0F from Fernando de Noronha Island (SA-003) during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 26-27). QRV outwith the contest (October 22-29) on FT8 & SSB. … Continuer la lecture

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JI5RPT/8 – Okushiri Island, AS-147

JI5RPT/8 – Okushiri Island, AS-147 Makoto, JI5RPT informs he will be active as JI5RPT/8 from Okushiri Island, AS-147 on October 19-20, 2019. QRV on 630m (475khz) to 10m. “630m Band” mainly JT9 mode. QSL via home call. Log will be … Continuer la lecture

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Section Jeunesse

Section Jeunesse Cliquez sur la vignette pour agrandir la photo Bernard ON5MU

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