Archives mensuelles : octobre 2019

Z81C – South Sudan

Z81C – South Sudan James (ex-P29HG, VK4GKA) will be active when time permits from Juba, South Sudan as Z81C. He is residing there for at least 18 months. QRV on SSB. QSL info T.b.d. Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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Bonjour les amis, Les bulletins Radioamateurs de la semaine 40 DIVERS BULLETINS Préfixe OR au lieu de ON du 25/10 au 25/12 Salon de La Louviere 2019 par F6CDX VU SUR LE … Continuer la lecture

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Section Jeunesse

Section Jeunesse Cliquez sur une vignette pour agrandir la photo Bernard ON5MU

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EME les signaux radio depuis la Lune

EME les signaux radio depuis la Lune EME les signaux radio depuis la Lune Al Williams WD5GNR écrit sur Hackaday à propos du fait de faire rebondir les signaux de radioamateurs sur la Lune Un des points forts de … … Continuer la lecture

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JK3ZXK/2 – Suga Island, AS-206

JK3ZXK/2 – Suga Island, AS-206 Nara DX Association will be active from Suga Island, AS-206 as JK3ZXK/2 between October 12 and 14, 2019. The members are Tosy JA3FGJ, Hid JA3KGF and Joe JJ3PRT. They will QRV on 40m-17m; CW, SSB … Continuer la lecture

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Améliorations majeures du Sotabeams Wolfwave

Améliorations majeures du Sotabeams Wolfwave Améliorations majeures du Sotabeams Wolfwave Le processeur audio avancé WOLFWAVE offre une vaste gamme d’installations pour améliorer la réception radio dans les situations difficiles et bruyantes. La dernière version du micrologiciel de ce produit innovant … Continuer la lecture

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9J2MYT – Zambia

9J2MYT – Zambia Look for Mario, IK1MYT to be active from Lusaka, Zambia as 9J2MYT starting October 6, 2019. QRV on 40-20-15-10m; SSB. QSL via H/c, Club Log OQRS. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 9J2MYT – Zambia Cherchez … Continuer la lecture

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9H9XX Malta

9H9XX Malta During the WAG (Worked All Germany) contest, Rene DL2JRM will be active from Malta as 9H9XX. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 9H9XX Malta Pendant le WAG Concours (Travaillez en Allemagne), Rene DL2JRM sera … Continuer la lecture

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D44C Cape Verde

D44C Cape Verde Eric, OE4AAC will be active from Sal island, Cape Verde (AF-086) as D44C during November 17-30, 2019. QRV on HF bands; participation in CQWW CW contest. QSL via H/c. Club Log OQRS. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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YJ0BCP Vanuatu

[REMINDER] YJ0BCP Vanuatu Oleh, KD7WPJ will be active from Efate island, Vanuatu as YJ0BCP during October 3-10, 2019. QRV on 40-6m, CW/SSB/FT8. QSL via H/c for CW/SSB. LoTW for FT8. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate [Rappel] YJ0BCP Vanuatu … Continuer la lecture

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Section Jeunesse

Section Jeunesse Cliquez sur une vignette pour agrandir la photo Bernard ON5MU

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D68CCC Comoros

D68CCC Comoros Website here PRESS RELEASE #3 Just a few more steps and the multi-national team of Mediterraneo Dx Club is ready to fire the radios with their signals from Comoros Islands under the call sign of D68CCC. They will … Continuer la lecture

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ZF2PG Cayman Islands

ZF2PG Cayman Islands Credit: MM0NDX / ZF2CI Pete, K8PGJ will again be active from Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands as ZF2PG between January 11-19, 2020. QRV on HF bands. Participation in the NAQP SSB Contest on January 18th. QSL via H/c, … Continuer la lecture

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JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL Svalbard

JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL Svalbard LA6VM, LA7XK & LA9DL will be active from Svalbard between October 9-14, 2019. QRV as JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL. Also active as JW5X during SAC SSB contest. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate JW6VM, … Continuer la lecture

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XW0LP Laos

XW0LP Laos NEWS UPDATE – Simon updates to say he is now active on FT8 (20m) from today. He mentions to check on pskreporter for his signal. He’s using an inverted V antenna at a low-ish height right now, but … Continuer la lecture

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PJ4A & PJ4/NE9U Bonaire

PJ4A & PJ4/NE9U Bonaire Scott, NE9U will be active from Bonaire as PJ4/NE9U during November 19-26, 2019. Together with K4BAI & KU8E they will also QRV as PJ4A during the CQWW CW contest. QSL via H/c, LoTW. PJ4A via K4BAI. … Continuer la lecture

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