Archives mensuelles : novembre 2019

TA0/R7AL & TA0/RK8A & Turkish IOTA trip

TA0/R7AL & TA0/RK8A & Turkish IOTA trip Look for Vasily, TA0/R7AL and Vlad, TA0/RK8A to be active from the following Turkish islands: Bogsak Island AS-123 – November 11-14, 2019. Suluada Island AS-115 – November 15-17, 2019. Dates/activity depend on local … Continuer la lecture

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C6AAN – The Bahamas

C6AAN – The Bahamas Following his trip to Cayman Islands (ZF2AN) Mike, DF8AN will be active from the Bahamas as C6AAN February 23 to March, 2020. QRV on HF. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate C6AAN … Continuer la lecture

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ZF2AN – Cayman Islands

ZF2AN – Cayman Islands Mike, DF8AN will be active from Grand Cayman as ZF2AN during February 14-23, 2020. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c. *A reminder that Mike will be active from Lord Howe Island as VK9LQ at the … Continuer la lecture

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SV2RSG/A – Mt Athos

SV2RSG/A – Mt Athos News in from Bart, W9JJ at ARRL: "Operations by SV2RSG/A (if from Mount Athos must identify “/A”) are accepted by ARRL DXCC." — Michael G7VJR (@g7vjr) November 7, 2019  NEWS UPDATE by SV2RSG/A Dear Ham … Continuer la lecture

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YB9/DL3KZA Sumbawa & Lombok OC-150

YB9/DL3KZA Sumbawa & Lombok OC-150 Burkhard, YB9/DL3KZA informs DX-World that he will be QRV together with Indonesian friends between November 14 to December 2, 2019 from the islands of Sumbawa and Lombok, OC-150. Activity on SSB and FT8, holiday style. … Continuer la lecture

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C56PIS – The Gambia

C56PIS – The Gambia Paul, SA6PIS will be active from the Gambia as C56PIS during November 28 to December 13, 2019. QRV holiday-style HF bands. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate C56PIS – The Gambia Paul, … Continuer la lecture

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TO9W – St Martin

TO9W – St Martin NEWS UPDATE — In less than 30 days, we will be in Saint Martin! We arrive late on December 3rd and we will spend all day December 4th and probably into the 5th setting up antennas. … Continuer la lecture

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6V7A – Senegal

6V7A – Senegal F6BEE, F8CRH and N5ZO will be active from Senegal during the CQWW CW contest as 6V7A. Pre-contest operation as 6W1RW. For both callsigns, QSL via LoTW (preferred), Club Log OQRS, direct or bureau to F6BEE. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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XV9DXB – Vietnam

XV9DXB – Vietnam Operating from his second home, look for Sven HB9DXB to again be active from Nha Trang, Vietnam as XV9DXB during the CQWW CW contest. Activity before/after contest too. QSL via EB7DX. Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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TX7T Marquesas Islands

[UPCOMING] TX7T Marquesas Islands The Can-Am DXpedition team will arrive in French Polynesia on November 3rd. While in Tahiti (FO), there will be some activity – including low bands – for a couple of days/nights. The team moves on to … Continuer la lecture

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TU2R Ivory Coast

TU2R Ivory Coast QRV: March 23 to April 3, 2020 with participation in the CQ WPX SSB contest. Full info here Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 3A/G4PVM & 3A/OJ0Y Monaco QRV: du 23 mars au 3 avril 2020 … Continuer la lecture

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3A/G4PVM & 3A/OJ0Y Monaco

3A/G4PVM & 3A/OJ0Y Monaco Look for Paul, G4PVM and Col, MM0NDX (OJ0Y) to be active from Monaco during November 2-5, 2019. QRV on 40-10m, possibly 80m & 160m; CW/SSB/FT8. QSL both calls via EB7DX. Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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XT2BR – Burkina Faso

XT2BR – Burkina Faso UPDATE – XT2BR will again be active from Burkina Faso during November 8-17, 2019. QRV on CW, SSB and digi. QSL via F8FUA. NOVEMBER 19, 2018 — Al, F8FUA will be active from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso … Continuer la lecture

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CY0C Sable Island DXpedition

CY0C Sable Island DXpedition NEWS UPDATE – Website (under construction) now available. Team: WA2DAN, N2IEN, K5DHY, K5YY, K4UEE, WW2DX, AA4NC, N8AA, N2TU. CY0/WA4DAN was active earlier today from Sable Island. He was there on scouting mission ahead of CY0C multinational … Continuer la lecture

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Les bulletins Radioamateurs de la semaine 44

Bonjour les amis, Les bulletins Radioamateurs de la semaine 44 DIVERS BULLETINS VU SUR LE SITE D-STAR-France.FR C4FM sur le XLX933 Une mise à jour importante du XLX vient d’être finalisée par Luc LX1IQ. … Continuer la lecture

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3D2AG/P – Rotuma

3D2AG/P – Rotuma NEWS UPDATE – The next 3D2AG/p Rotuma Island one-op Dxpedition is planned around the 28th November 2019 to January 5th 2020, weather and transport permitting. Latest shipping news is that a boat shall depart Suva around the … Continuer la lecture

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