Archives mensuelles : novembre 2019

PJ5/SP6EQZ et PJ5/SP6IXF Sint Eustatius

PJ5/SP6EQZ et PJ5/SP6IXF Sint Eustatius After 8 years break we decided to visit Saint Eustatius (NA 145) again. Our previous PJ5 DXpeditions took place in 2010 and 2011. We know the place, we like it very much so…. we already … Continuer la lecture

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VP2VWW – British Virgin I.

VP2VWW – British Virgin I. QTH: VP2V/AA7V NEWS UPDATE – Steve has now obtained the callsign VP2VWW. OCTOBER 20, 2019 – Steve, AA7V will again be active from Tortola, British Virgin Islands as VP2V/AA7V before and during the CQWW CW … Continuer la lecture

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V47NT St Kitts

V47NT St Kitts Andy, N2NT will be active from St Kitts as V47NT during November 16-22, 2019. Participation in the CQ WW CW contest as V47T. QSL via W2RQ. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate V47NT St Kitts Andy, … Continuer la lecture

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YJ0RRC Vanuatu IOTA DXpedition

YJ0RRC Vanuatu IOTA DXpedition Gaua Island RZ3FW/R4WAA just started their jorney to YJ (OC-104, OC-111, OC-035), RZ3FW on a picture — Andrey Teterukov (@AndyEU7A) October 31, 2019 APRIL 3, 2019 — Sergei, RZ3FW and Sergei, R4WAA will be active … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Infos DX, IOTA, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire