Archives mensuelles : décembre 2019

ZF2LA & ZF2YL Cayman Islands

ZF2LA & ZF2YL Cayman Islands By DX-World – December 9, 2019 Vicky, AE9YL and Roland, K9LA will be active from Grand Cayman island as ZF2YL and ZF2LA during December 13-16, 2019. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/cs. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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T88FT & T88IH Palau

T88FT & T88IH Palau By DX-World – December 9, 2019 JI6IHG & JA7WFT will be active from Koror, Palau as T88IH & T88FT during June 5-12, 2020. QRV on CW/SSB/Digi. QSL via H/c, LoTW. Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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KP4/AA7CH Vieques Isl, NA-249

KP4/AA7CH Vieques Isl, NA-249 By DX-World – December 9, 2019 Mike, VE7ACN plans activity from will be active Vieques Island, NA-249 as KP4/AA7CH during January 31 to February 5, 2020. QRV on 80-10m, possibly 160; CW/SSB. QSL via Club Log … Continuer la lecture

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[Rappel] 8Q7XY Maldives

[REMINDER] 8Q7XY Maldives By DX-World – December 9, 2019 OCTOBER 22, 2019 – Fabien, DF3XY will be active from the Maldives as 8Q7XY during December 10-23, 2019. QRV on 40-10m; FT8 & SSB. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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TF/OJ0Y & TF/MM0OKG Iceland

TF/OJ0Y & TF/MM0OKG Iceland By DX-World – December 8, 2019 UPDATE — Col, MM0NDX (as OJ0Y) and Jonathan MM0OKG will be active from Sandgerði, Iceland during December 31, 2019 to January 2, 2020. QRV on 80-20M (including 60m & possibly … Continuer la lecture

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Record FT8 australien de 70 cm

Record FT8 australien de 70 cm étendu à 2806 km Record numérique australien de 70 cm étendu à 2806 km! Tôt le matin du 5 décembre 2019, il y a eu un remarquable contact tropo entre Leigh, VK2KRR et Peter, … Continuer la lecture

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11/12/2019, « Tests transatlantiques »

11/12/2019, anniversaire des « Tests transatlantiques » Le 11 décembre marque l’anniversaire de l’événement « Tests transatlantiques » organisé par l’ARRL en 1921, organisé pour voir si les stations d’amateur de faible puissance pouvaient être entendues outre-Atlantique en utilisant … … Continuer la lecture

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C5XW – The Gambia

C5XW – The Gambia By DX-World – December 8, 2019 Russell, G5XW informs DX-World that he will be active from The Gambia as C5XW starting January 28, 2020 for 10 days. QRV holiday-style; 40-17m. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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4K6/TA7AOF – Azerbaijan

4K6/TA7AOF – Azerbaijan stock-photo-panoramic-view-of-baku-the-capital-of-azerbaijan-located-by-the-caspian-see-shore- By DX-World – December 7, 2019 Furkan, TA7AOF will be active from Baku, Azerbaijan as 4K6/TA7AOF during February 7-12, 2020. Primary focus in the CQ WPX RTTY Contest. See for QSL info. Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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W8S – Swains Island

W8S – Swains Island By DX-World – December 6, 2019 NEWS UPDATE – More preparation work on going for Swains 2020 DXpedition. OCTOBER 7, 2019 – Team now added to W8S website. SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 – From 10-25 March 2020 … Continuer la lecture

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A50BOC, A50BPC & A5B Bhutan

A50BOC, A50BPC & A5B Bhutan By DX-World – December 6, 2019 Zorro JH1AJT and his team will visit A5 Bhutan again. This time Zorro will have meetings with the Olympic Committee and Bhutan Paralympic Committee for Bhutan’s participation in the upcoming … Continuer la lecture

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QSL preview YJ0RRC & YJ0FWA

QSL preview YJ0RRC & YJ0FWA By DX-World – December 6, 2019 IOTA DXpedition to OC-035, OC-104 & OC-111 took place November 4-20, 2019. Info here Thanks to Yan, RZ3FW for the QSL preview. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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PY6/PP2RON Itaparica, SA-023

PY6/PP2RON Itaparica, SA-023 By DX-World – December 6, 2019 Ron PP2RON informs that he’ll be in Itaparica Island in Bahia state (IOTA SA-23) from 20th Dec 2019 to Jan 1st 2020. QRV on 80-6m; SSB/CW/maybe FT8; holiday-style. QSL via H/c. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1492

A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1492 du 07/12/2019 Mauro Pregliasco A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1492 du 07/12/2019! =========================== *** 4 2 5  D X N E W S *** ****DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by  I1JQJ & … Continuer la lecture

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Les bulletins Radioamateurs de la semaine 49

Les bulletins Radioamateurs de la semaine 49 Bonjour les amis, PORTES OUVERTES F8KHU 07/08/DÉCEMBRE A MARPENT (59) DIVERS BULLETINS> VU SUR LE SITE RADIOAMATEURS FRANCE Sommaire n° 13 S49, décembre 2019 7 … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425 N°1492

A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425 N°1492 du 07/12/2019! Mauro Pregliasco   A.R.I. Calendrier DX No 1492 du 07/12/2019 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH Direttore … Continuer la lecture

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