Archives mensuelles : octobre 2020

5X1JT Uganda

5X1JT Uganda Oct 6, 2020 John, 5X1JT is a new operator from Nansana, Uganda. He’s on assignment there for 2 years and is still to get up and running properly. It’s likely he will use wire antennas. QSL manager currently … Continuer la lecture

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T6A & T6AA Afghanistan

T6A & T6AA Afghanistan Oct 6, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – From October 7, Robert will be out of the country for a period of time. JULY 23, 2019 — Robert, S53R will be active from Kabul, Afghanistan starting early September … Continuer la lecture

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Vos enregistrements DXpedition

Wanted: Your DXpedition Recordings Oct 6, 2020 It’s a certainty that very many DXers keep recordings of QSOs they have made. It might have been that special QSO with a rare station, or maybe you worked a new DXCC or … Continuer la lecture

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Sub-Antarctic Islands DXpedition

ZL9 – Sub-Antarctic Islands DXpedition MISE À JOUR DES NOUVELLES – DX-World comprend que l’île subantarctique sera l’île Campbell. Communiqué de presse # 1 13 mai 2020 DXpedition des îles subantarctiques de Nouvelle-Zélande (OC-037) Le groupe Perseverance DX (PDXG) a … Continuer la lecture

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JX0X – Jan Mayen

JX0X – Jan Mayen NEWS UPDATE – We have received about $4800 this weekend which is really good! This makes us hope we can achieve the still needed $6000 to sign the contract with current budget. We see that a … Continuer la lecture

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Video VK0CW & VK0HI

Video VK0CW & VK0HI Oct 4, 2020 Way back in 1983 an expedition to Heard Island took place. Among the team were two radio hams – VK3DHF & K8CW. Two calls were used – VK0CW and VK0HI. Although the footage … Continuer la lecture

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Lettre ouverte VP8 Licence de radio amateur

Open Letter VP8 Amateur Radio Licensing Oct 4, 2020 The following are quotes from an open letter written by several high profile VP8 license holders / operators. As far as we are aware, none of these lifetime VP8 Antarctic / … Continuer la lecture

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9M4DXX – West Malaysia

9M4DXX – West Malaysia Oct 4, 2020 Yoshida, JE1SCJ is active from Penang Island, AS-015 as 9M4DXX until the end of December 2020. He works all bands including 80/160m and is usually active at weekends on FT8. QSL via JA0DMV. … Continuer la lecture

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9G5FI – Ghana

9G5FI – Ghana Oct 4, 2020 Tom, DL2RMC is currently active from Ghana as 9G5FI. QRV mostly on 30-20-17m CW & FT8 but also some Satellite activity. Length of stay unknown. QSL via DL1RTL. Tom, DL2RMC when active from the … Continuer la lecture

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JW4O – Svalbard

JW4O – Svalbard Oct 4, 2020 [UPCOMING] LA4O – the Oslo Group of NRRL – is going to have an exciting DXpedition to Longyearbyen in Svalbard in order to participate in the SAC 2020 SSB Contest. The LA4O Svalbard DXpedition … Continuer la lecture

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JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL Svalbard

JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL Svalbard Oct 4, 2020 [UPCOMING] LA6VM, LA7XK & LA9DL will be active from Svalbard between October 7-12, 2020. QRV as JW6VM, JW7XK & JW9DL. Also active as JW5X during SAC SSB contest. QSL via H/cs. JW5X … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1535

A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1535 du 03/10/2020 Mauro Pregliasco A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1535 du 03/10/2020! =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ****DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by  I1JQJ & … Continuer la lecture

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Performance de surcharge du récepteur

Performance de surcharge du récepteur : gestion d’un signal fort Performance de surcharge du récepteur: gestion d’un signal fort Les performances de traitement du signal du récepteur sont tout aussi importantes que la sensibilité, un article d’Electronics Notes explique pourquoi … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425

A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425 N°1535 du 03/10/2020 Mauro Pregliasco   A.R.I. Calendrier DX No 1535 du 03/10/2020 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH Direttore … Continuer la lecture

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JX0X Jan Mayen

JX0X – Jan Mayen NEWS UPDATE – We have received about $3500 in two days. But we’re looking for another approx $7000 to sign the contract. Still any shortfall is covered by the 6 operators. Facts about JX0X: Did you … Continuer la lecture

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[REPORTÉ] PZ5GE Suriname

[POSTPONED] PZ5GE Suriname Oct 3, 2020 UPDATE by DJ4EL – Unfortunately, we have to postpone our DXpedition once again. Due to the rising Covid-19 cases in Europe tourists who would like to visit Suriname must bring a negative Covid-19 test … Continuer la lecture

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