Archives mensuelles : octobre 2020


[GOING QRT] SI9AM Sweden Oct 3, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – We are sorry to inform that SI9AM, the visitor´s Amateur Radio Station in Utanede, Sweden will be closing down on December 1, 2020. The station is owned by eight radio … Continuer la lecture

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PZ5G Papegaaien Island, SA-092

[UPDATE] PZ5G Papegaaien Island, SA-092 Oct 3, 2020 Markus, DJ4EL informs DX-World that he has new dates for his IOTA DXpedition to Papegaaien Island, SA-092 as PZ5G. He hopes to be QRV from this rare IOTA during April 2-5, 2021. … Continuer la lecture

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins Radioamateurs, Semaine 40  

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4U75UN United Nations HQ, New York

4U75UN United Nations HQ, New York Oct 2, 2020 Special callsign 4U75UN (operated remotely) will be used to celebrate the opening of the General Assembly and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. The General Assembly, established in 1945 under … Continuer la lecture

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EJ5GM & EJ9FBB Aran Islands EU-006

EJ5GM & EJ9FBB Aran Islands EU-006 Oct 2, 2020 Running two high-power stations, Jeremy EI5GM and Dave EI9FBB are currently active from Inishmore, Aran Islands EU-006 as EJ5GM & EJ9FBB. QRV on HF bands until October 4th. Jeremy EJ5GM  … Continuer la lecture

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VQ9T Diego Garcia

VQ9T Diego Garcia Oct 2, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – Dates are not confirmed, but Bob DU7ET could soon be active from Diego Garcia as VQ9T later this year. His job is a radio officer aboard a ship, however opportunities may … Continuer la lecture

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JG8NQJ/JD1 Minami Torishima

JG8NQJ/JD1 Minami Torishima Oct 1, 2020 Take JG8NQJ/JD1 will again be active from Minami Torishima when time/work schedule permits during mid-October 2020 to mid-January 2021. QRV on HF bands, CW. QSL via JA8CJY. NOTE: Minami Torishima is #2s MW on … Continuer la lecture

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[RAPPEL] JX2US Jan Mayen

[REMINDER] JX2US Jan Mayen Oct 1, 2020 SEPTEMBER 27 – Scheduled date for the flight to Jan Mayen is October 1st. It might be delayed depending on the WX. The first days will be used for training and settling in, … Continuer la lecture

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ICOM 7300 TRX 10 effets Radioamateur

ICOM 7300 TRX 10 effets Radioamateur ICOM 7300 10 effets Radioamateur! Vidéo: Des Radioamateurs vétérans examinent l’impact de l’IC-7300 TRX Radioamateur 5 ans après son introduction. Une partie de la série « Ham Radio Perspectives » examinant la culture, l’histoire … Continuer la lecture

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HB0/OP2D – Liechtenstein

HB0/OP2D – Liechtenstein Sep 30, 2020 UPDATE – Check out the drone movie of the HB0/OP2D QTH. SEPTEMEBR 27, 2020 – Thanks to Erik, ON4ANN for sending images of the HB0/OP2D Dxpedition to DX-World. Erick mentions the team had a … Continuer la lecture

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JX0X – Jan Mayen

JX0X – Jan Mayen Sep 30, 2020 NEWS UPDATE by JX0X Team – We have negotiated a vessel contract and are ready to sign it. However, the financial situation is such that individual donations have more or less have stopped. … Continuer la lecture

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[RAPPEL] JD1BLY Ogasawara

[REMINDER] JD1BLY – Ogasawara Sep 30, 2020 Makoto JI5RPT will again be active from Chichijima, Ogasawara as JD1BLY between October 3-6, 2020. Activity on 630m to 6m. CW/SSB/Digi. QSL via home call. The schedule may change depending on the status … Continuer la lecture

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