Archives mensuelles : novembre 2020

[QRV] 8Q7RM Maldives

[QRV] 8Q7RM Maldives Nov 13, 2020 UPDATE by Remo, 8Q7RM I didn’t think that with an 8Q callsign the demand would be big, because some hams are permanently active. Yesterday I tried Fox/Hound for the first time and after a … Continuer la lecture

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7Q7RU – Malawi

7Q7RU – Malawi Nov 12, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – Team continue activity and online log available. Also QRV on SAT’s. Video below of team member R9LR CQing / QO-100.  Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 7Q7RU – Malawi … Continuer la lecture

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Mise à jour majeure du serveur sur VOACAP

Major server upgrade on VOACAP Online Nov 12, 2020 By Jari Perkiömäki OH6BG A few weeks ago, VOACAP Online for Ham Radio was moved to a new web platform, and this change forced me to re-factor the majority of the … Continuer la lecture

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SOS, recherche faucon sur 434.510 / Oise

SOS, recherche faucon sur 434.510 / Oise Bonjour j’aurais besoin de vos service pour essayer de retrouver un signal en 434.510 d’un faucon qui s’est perdu dans l’Oise mais pourrait être loin à présent, L’émetteur devrait donner … Lire la … Continuer la lecture

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Antarctique radio Ham on TV

Antarctica radio Ham on TV 10 Novembre 2020 Southgate Amateur Radio News reports that, on November 3, 2020, German TV broadcaster WDR aired a news story about radio amateur Theresa DC1TH who is part of the Neumayer-III Base 2021/22 overwintering … Continuer la lecture

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NL0H St Lawrence Island, NA-040

NL0H St Lawrence Island, NA-040 Nov 12, 2020 Henry, NL0H got in touch to say he’s finally back on the air from St. Lawrence Island NA-040. This is now his main station and residence. QRV mainly on FT8 due to … Continuer la lecture

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Respect !

Respect ! Nov 11, 2020 Following the sad news that John, ON4UN recently passed away, we noticed a comment left by DX-World reader, Saki DD5XX. In the comment, he provided a link to a video clip (above) of the 1997 … Continuer la lecture

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8Q7CQ Maldives

8Q7CQ Maldives Nov 11, 2020 QUICK UPDATE – Nobby confirms that the license for 8Q7CQ will not be issued until next year. It is reserved and 60m will (hopefully) also be added to the license. He will use an FT450D, … Continuer la lecture

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ON4UN S.K Nov 10, 2020 Very sad news just received from the daughter of John, ON4UN It is with sadness, but also gratitude and pride, I have to let you know my father John ON4UN, has become silent key. John’s … Continuer la lecture

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D60AB Comoros

D60AB Comoros Nov 11, 2020 Don, K6ZO (currently active as 7Q6M) will be QRV from the Comoros as D60AB starting mid-December 2020. QRV on HF bands; CW. QSL via K6ZO. Don was previously active as D68GA.  Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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7Q7RU Malawi

7Q7RU Malawi Nov 11, 2020 NOVEMBER 11 @ 12:00z – Activity has been steady on CW since yesterday evening their time. mp3   NOVEMBER 10 @ 15:15z – As per below, all the team has assembled again. QRV … Continuer la lecture

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6O1OO Somalia

6O1OO Somalia Nov 10, 2020 Ali, 6O1OO updates DX-World to say that all received QSL cards (until 10 November 2020) have been replied and dispatched. The next QRV from Somalia will be from 15 November 2020 for two months. All … Continuer la lecture

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R0FP Iturup Isl, AS-025

R0FP Iturup Isl, AS-025 Nov 10, 2020 Vladimir, R0FP is now resident on Iturup island, Kuril Islands, AS-025. QRV on HF bands. QSL via RZ3EC. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate R0FP Iturup Isl, AS-025 Vladimir, R0FP réside maintenant … Continuer la lecture

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LU3HRS/Z Belgrano II Base

LU3HRS/Z Belgrano II Base, Antarctica Nov 10, 2020 Ramon, LU3HRS reports he is now active from Belgrano II Base, Coats Land, Antarctica during the 2020-2021 scientific research season. His exact locator is HB22qd. QRV mainly on 20m FT8-FT4-JT65 when time … Continuer la lecture

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RADIO DARC diffuse son 300e

RADIO DARC diffuse son 300e programme RADIO DARC Sous le slogan «Des radioamateurs aux radioamateurs», la DARC diffuse chaque semaine depuis cinq ans et demi un magazine DX et technologique rapide sur ondes courtes 6070 kHz. Le dimanche 15 novembre, … Continuer la lecture

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Coordinateur des contacts scolaires via QO-100

Coordinateur des contacts scolaires via QO-100 Le DARC rapporte que Charly Eichhorn, DK3ZL , a récemment été officiellement nommé par le conseil d’administration de l’AMSAT-DL en tant que nouveau coordinateur des contacts scolaires mondiaux avec DP0GVN sur la station III … Continuer la lecture

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