Archives quotidiennes : 18 décembre 2020

17-19 et 22,23,24, 28,29,30/12/2020 TM63SC

17-19 et 22,23,24, 28,29,30/12/2020 TM63SC 17-19 et 22,23,24, 28,29,30/12/2020 TM63SC Durant le mois de décembre, je serai actif avec l’indicatif TM63SC (Père Noël) pour célébrer les vacances de Noël. Lire la suite Info de la Source Publié * ICI

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18-20/12/2020 TM1LY et TM100LY

18-20/12/2020 TM1LY et TM100LY 18-20 décembre 2020 TM1LY & TM100LY Le radio-club du Bassin d’Arcachon F5KAY et le radio-club de Cestas F6KUQ commémorent l’événement en opérant conjointement deux stations spéciales TM1LY et TM100LY en décembre 2020. Le 21 Août 1920 … Continuer la lecture

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ZD8HZ Ascension Island

ZD8HZ Ascension Island Dec 17, 2020 Tev, TA1HZ has announced that he will be working on Ascension Island throughout 2021 and hopes to be QRV as ZD8HZ when time permits. Will try to be on the air using a Yaesu … Continuer la lecture

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[QRT SOON] 7Q7RU Malawi Dec 17, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – It was on November 5th the whole 7Q7RU team left Moscow on their way to Malawi. The expedition was to last a total of about two weeks. Today, two team … Continuer la lecture

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Cyclone tropical sévère Yasa Fidji

Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasa Fiji Dec 17, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – Severe tropical cyclone Yasa (Category 5) is passing through Yasawa-i-Rara (OC-156) and heading towards Vanua Levu. The cyclone is expected to make landfall over the province of Bua around … Continuer la lecture

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Garder un œil sur la Géorgie du Sud.

Keeping an eye on South Georgia. Dec 17, 2020 UPDATE – A rather large chunk has broken off A68a iceberg as seen in the quick movie below. DECEMBER 16 – 🔵Iceberg A-68A near #SouthGeorgiaIsland🇬🇸 (Dec 8 to 16) at … Continuer la lecture

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