Archives mensuelles : décembre 2020

Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins, Semaine 50  

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70e anniversaire – Radio Society

70th anniversary – Radio Society of Sri Lanka Dec 10, 2020 By Victor, 4S7VK, Honorary Secretary RSSL. The Radio Society was founded in 1950 and this year we celebrate 70 years since the founding of the RSSL, The Radio Society … Continuer la lecture

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5T7OO Mauritanie

5T7OO Mauritania Dec 10, 2020 UPDATE – Activity delayed due to luggage not arriving on flight. NOVEMBER 20, 2020 – Tom, DL7BO has announced that he plans to be active from Mauritania as 5T7OO during December 10-20, 2020. QRV on … Continuer la lecture

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Tableau d’honneur IOTA 2021

IOTA Honour Roll 2021 & OC-298 Dec 10, 2020 New IOTA OC-298 Tatakoto Atoll has now been confirmed following the opening up of QSO matching on LoTW for contacts with Cezar, VE3LYC’s recent TX0T operation (30 October – 5 November … Continuer la lecture

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FT4 DX Contest 2021

FT4 DX Contest 2021 Le Club européen FT8 a annoncé un nouveau concours appelé FT4 DX Contest 2021. L’événement aura lieu le 27 février 2021, commençant à 12h00 UTC et se terminant le 28 février 2021 à 12h00 UTC. Vous … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Contests, Info, Mode Numerique, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire

OJ0D – Market Reef

OJ0D – Market Reef Dec 10, 2020 Joseph, AD7D announces he plans to be active from Market Reef as OJ0D in the summer of 2021. Dates / schedule not yet confirmed, but activity mainly on QO-100 satellite. Updates to follow … Continuer la lecture

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[REPORTÉ] 6V1A Goree Island, AF-045

[POSTPONED] 6V1A Goree Island, AF-045 Dec 10, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – Postponed due to Covid pandemic. DECEMBER 4, 2020 – 6W1KI, 6W1PZ, 6W1QL, 6W7JX + others will again be active as 6V1A from Gore Island AF-045 during December 18-20, 2020. … Continuer la lecture

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PJ5 / W5JON Saint-Eustache

PJ5 / W5JON Saint-Eustache Dec 9, 2020 In the middle of his October 2021 trip to St. Kitts, John W5JON will be active as PJ5/W5JON from Sint Eustatius during October 25 – November 1, 2021. QRV using a Yaesu FT-450D, … Continuer la lecture

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V47JA – St Kitts

V47JA – St Kitts Dec 9, 2020 John, W5JON (as V47JA) will once again be operating from Calypso Bay, St. Kitts, West Indies, located 200 feet from the Caribbean Sea, from October 16 to November 12, 2021. Active on 6-160m … Continuer la lecture

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L’histoire des stations britanniques

The story of British Station N1 & N2 (WAP GBR-38) and “Old” and “New” Palmer Station 8 Dicembre 2020 Station N (1) Bay of Isles A small expedition consisting of W. N. Bonner and B. Stonehouse, funded by Falkland Islands … Continuer la lecture

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Concours radio d’expédition dans le désert

Concours radio d’expédition dans le désert Bravant le temps terriblement chaud dans le désert de Mojave en Californie début octobre 2020, nous avons participé au style expédition avec deux stations indépendantes compatibles COVID, la California QSO Party (CQP) en tant … Continuer la lecture

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Islande: autorisation de 1850 kHz

Islande: autorisation de 1850 kHz renouvelée L’IRA islandaise a reçu le 4 décembre une réponse positive de l’Administration des postes et télécommunications (PTA) à sa demande de renouvellement de l’autorisation d’utiliser 1850-1900 kHz dans les concours internationaux en 2021 Une … Continuer la lecture

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Islande: renouvellement de l’autorisation

Islande: renouvellement de l’autorisation d’attribution de 70 MHz L’Islande IRA a reçu une réponse positive de l’Administration des postes et télécommunications (PTA), le 7 décembre, à leur demande de renouvellement de l’autorisation pour l’utilisation de la bande de fréquences 70 … Continuer la lecture

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3D2AG/P – Rotuma

3D2AG/P – Rotuma Dec 9, 2020 NEWS UPDATE by 3D2AG for DX-World Preparations for the Rotuma trip are underway, and most of my station is dismantled and being packed for transfer to Rotuma. Operating with minimal antennas and a spare … Continuer la lecture

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Garder un œil sur la Géorgie du Sud.

Keeping an eye on South Georgia. Dec 8, 2020 UPDATE – The world’s largest iceberg A68a, which broke off Antarctica‘s Larsen C ice shelf in 2017, is now 120km from South Georgia Island. Some observers suggest the “finger” of the … Continuer la lecture

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7C8M Gusung Toraja Island, OC-236

7C8M Gusung Toraja Island, OC-236 Dec 8, 2020 A team led by Ram, YB8BRI will be active from Gusung Toraja, Celebes Coastal Islands (OC-236) as 7C8M during December 26-30, 2020. QRV on HF bands. QSL via YB8BRI. Info de la … Continuer la lecture

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