Archives mensuelles : janvier 2023

TO4A Martinique

TO4A Martinique Jan 24, 2023 Yuri, VE3DZ will again be active from Martinique during February 14-21, 2023. Participation in the ARRL DX CW Contest as TO4A. QRV as FM/VE3DZ before contest. QSL via H/c, Club Log. Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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Crew lance la semaine

Mises à jour du blog de la Station spatiale Crew lance la semaine avec la recherche sur les os et les études de physique Les panneaux solaires de la station spatiale et un petit déployeur orbital de satellite sont représentés … Continuer la lecture

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5J01EA & 5K0VT , NA-049

5J01EA & 5K0VT Providencia, NA-049 Jan 23, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] HK3EA (as 5J01EA) and HK3MKQ (as 5K0VT) will be active from Providencia island, NA-049 during February 27 to March 5, 2023. QRV on 80-10m; SSB & FT8. 100w stations. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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NUAGES STRATOSPHÉRIQUES POLAIRES Les plus beaux nuages ​​de la Terre viennent de faire leur apparition au-dessus de la Norvège. « J’ai été à l’affût des nuages ​​ stratosphériques polaires (PSC) tout l’hiver », rapporte Fredrik Broms de Kvaløya. « Ce matin, j’ai aperçu … Continuer la lecture

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T88FM, T88JH & T88MK Palau

T88FM, T88JH & T88MK Palau Jan 23, 2023 Yoshi JR3QFB (as T88JH), Miyo JO3LVG (as T88MK) and Hiro JM1LIG (as T88FM) will be active from the Palau Radio Club / Shack during September 12-18, 2023. QRV on HF bands, various … Continuer la lecture

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Volker DL8JDX voyageant

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program Volker DL8JDX travelling around Antarctica 22 Gennaio 2023 22 Gennaio 2023 By: Gianni Varetto Our friend Volker Strecke DL8JDX is  an Antarctic veteran who spend several years in the Icy Continent. After a 19 hours flight, … Continuer la lecture

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3Y0J Bouvet 2023

3Y0J Bouvet 2023 Jan 22, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE by Media Officer, N2AJ] I just had a very nice satellite radio meeting with 3Y0J Co-Leader Rune LA7THA. 3Y0J Chief Pilot Morten LA3MHA was in the talk group as well. The Marama … Continuer la lecture

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CY0S Île de Sable

CY0S Sable Island Jan 22, 2023 [NEWS UPDTE] – A very busy time for the CY0S DXpedition team. DX Engineering, one of our major sponsors, was able to locate and ship a Cushcraft A3WS 12-17 meter Yagi. We received the … Continuer la lecture

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9N7AA – Népal

9N7AA – Nepal Jan 22, 2023 UPDATE by 9N7AA Back to the country as of 16th January and enjoying good conditions on 12 & 10 meters. The local QRM is bearable higher in the spectrum, while it’s getting worse and … Continuer la lecture

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FT8WW Crozet Island

FT8WW Crozet Island Jan 22, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Video teaser below produced by Patrick F2DX. FT8WW was active on HF bands from December 25, 2022 to January 14, 2023. He is now awaiting the extension of his authorization which … Continuer la lecture

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OX3LX Groenland

OX3LX Greenland Jan 22, 2023 Bo, OZ1DJJ will again be QRV as OX3LX from near Kangerlussuaq airport, Greenland during February 14-21, 2023. Participation in the ARRL DX CW Contest along with OX7AKT, OX5DM and OX7AM as OX7A. OX3LX QSL via … Continuer la lecture

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7P8WW Lesotho

7P8WW Lesotho Jan 21, 2023 Yuris, YL2GM will be active from Lesotho as 7P8WW during January 26 to February 4, 2023. QRV on 160-10m; CW, SSB & Digi. Logs will be uploaded to Club Log. QSL via OQRS or YL2GN. … Continuer la lecture

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FT8WW Crozet Island

FT8WW Crozet Island Jan 21, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Thierry is still awaiting authorization to resume HF traffic. QO-100 activity continues with SSB mainly on 10489.880MHz without restrictions and DATV tests in anticipation of planned contacts with 16 schools. Continue … Continuer la lecture

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CE3WB/CE0 Île de Pâques

CE3WB/CE0 Easter Island Jan 21, 2023 Since January 19th, lasting until the 29th, Mario CE3WB has been active from Easter island as CE3WB/CE0. Mainly QRV on 20 & 10m SSB when time permits between 00z to 05z. QSL via H/c. … Continuer la lecture

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S79/DL2SBY Seychelles

S79/DL2SBY Seychelles Jan 21, 2023 Kasimir, DL2SBY (previously S79KB) is currently active from the Seychelles as S79/DL2SBY. QRV so far on 12m FT8. Length of stay unknown. QSL via LoTW / or homecall (direct). Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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S79/G4HSO Seychelle

S79/G4HSO Seychelles Jan 21, 2023 Look for Peter, G4HSO to be active from the Seychelles as S79/G4HSO during February 1-21, 2023. QRV on HF bands, CW. QSL via LoTW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate S79/G4HSO Seychelles Recherchez Peter, … Continuer la lecture

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