Archives mensuelles : janvier 2023

T88AQ, T88RH & T88SM Palau

T88AQ, T88RH & T88SM Palau Jan 9, 2023 [REMINDER] JA6EGL (as T88SM), JH6WDG (as T88AQ) and JR6DRH (as T88RH) will be active from the VIP Guest Hotel, Koror, Palau during January 13-20, 2023. QRV on 160-10m; CW, SSB & DIGI. … Continuer la lecture

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ET3AA Éthiopie

ET3AA Ethiopia Jan 9, 2023 [UPCOMING] K4ZW, W9XY & EY8MM will be active from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia as ET3AA during January 14-21, 2023. QRV on various bands & modes. QSL via N2OO. A previous activity. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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Infos de l’I.B.P.T

Infos de l’I.B.P.T Bonjour à tous les YL’s et OM’s,Communication de l’IBPT: L’IBPT demande de communiquer ce qui suit : Toutes les factures pour 2023 ont été envoyées par notre service comptable. Tous les paiements doivent être reçus avant le … Continuer la lecture

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3Y0J Bouvet 2023

3Y0J Bouvet 2023 Jan 8, 2023 NEWS UPDATE – Thanks to 3Y0J media officer (N2AJ) for this update and pictures: Today I met up with 3Y0J Team Members Cezar VE3LYC and Adrian KO8SCA at Adrian’s home in New York City. … Continuer la lecture

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Calendrier DX News 425 N°1653

Calendrier DX News 425 N°1653 du 07-01-2023 Calendrier DX N°1653 du 07-01-2023

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[QRV] TN8K République du Congo

[QRV] TN8K Republic of Congo Jan 8, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE @ 1830z] – Beverage to JA and USA ready. Team sometimes has problems with internet connection. Listen to 40m CW.  [JANUARY 8 @ 0700z] – First beverage to EU is … Continuer la lecture

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425 DX News Bulletin n. 1653

425 DX News Bulletin n. 1653 du 07-01-2023 DX News 425 N°1653 du 07-01-2023 /2022

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FT8WW Ile Crozet

FT8WW Crozet Island Jan 8, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Today between 0300-0900z, Thierry was off air. Now (0915z) antennas are back up again having been taken down due to earlier high winds. The station signing FT8WW on 20 FT8 (at … Continuer la lecture

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Visite de vacances DX par M0NSI

DX holiday tour by M0NSI Jan 7, 2023 Brian, M0NSI recently got in touch to say he will be heading off on a rather long and exotic DX holiday. He will often be aboard the cruise ship “Celebrity Eclipse“, but … Continuer la lecture

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Vidéo de FO0AAA

FO0AAA raw footage video Jan 7, 2023 [By ON4WW] Twelve ham radio operators visited Clipperton Island in March 2000. The official ‘FO0AAA Clipperton Island’ video is produced by James Brooks, 9V1YC and available for free here. Before the official video was … Continuer la lecture

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DX-TRAVAGANZA! Jan 4, 2023 [UPDATED] If we look closer at the next 3 months worth of DX / DXpeditions, you can see there’s some juicy offerings coming up! Let’s breakdown the coming months: JANUARY ZF2IT, P4/DL4MM & P40AA, V47JA, T33BA-T33BB, … Continuer la lecture

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VP2V/N2TSR B.V.I Jan 4, 2023 Tom, N2TSR will be active (holiday-style / when time permits) from B.V.I as VP2V/N2TSR during January 7-15, 2023. QRV on 20 & 10m using IC-7300 / IC-705. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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T33BA & T33BB Île de Banaba

T33BA & T33BB Banaba Island Jan 4, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] Apparently, reported elsewhere, the DXpedition to Banaba has been postponed due to Covid.  [DECEMBER 21, 2022] Both callsigns have now been delisted from We currently have no info as … Continuer la lecture

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FT8WW Ile Crozet

FT8WW Crozet Island Jan 4, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Winds are expected strong tomorrow on Crozet, therefore Thierry will take the G5RV antenna down later this afternoon (his local time). Therefore, no operation during his night tonight, all day tomorrow, … Continuer la lecture

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E6AM – Niue

E6AM – Niue Jan 4, 2023 Previously postponed DXpedition in 2020, Stan LZ1GC now plans to be active from Niue as E6AM during October 10-27, 2023. QRV on 160-6m (including 60m); CW, SSB & FT8. Running mainly the same set … Continuer la lecture

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Station Science lance

Station Science lance Station Science lance la nouvelle année en promouvant l’exploration de l’espace lointain Les astronautes Koichi Wakata et Nicole Mann posent avec une paire d’unités de mobilité extravéhiculaire (EMU), ou combinaisons spatiales, à bord de la station spatiale. … Continuer la lecture

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