Archives mensuelles : janvier 2023

K3ZO – S. K

K3ZO – S. K Jan 4, 2023 Sad to report that well known radio amateur Fred Laun K3ZO has become Silent Key. We know he was a friend of many a DXer. Fred recently fell on ice and his condition … Continuer la lecture

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Base Naval Petrel

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program Base Naval Petrel (WAP ARG-17), a huge project of modernization 3 Gennaio 2023 Petrel Base (WAP ARG-17) was commissioned in 22 febr. 1967. It was operated year round until 1978 and then, as a summer station. … Continuer la lecture

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5J01EA & 5K0VT Providence

5J01EA & 5K0VT Providencia, NA-049 Jan 3, 2023 [SLIGHT DATE CHANGE] HK3EA (as 5J01EA) and HK3MKQ (as 5K0VT) will be active from Providencia island, NA-049 during February 27 to March 5, 2023. QRV on HF bands. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, … Continuer la lecture

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UNE EXPLOSION SOLAIRE SIGNIFICATIVE À L’EXTÉRIEUR Quelque chose vient d’exploser de l’autre côté du soleil. SOHO a observé les débris – un CME très brillant et rapide – s’éloigner du limbe sud-est du soleil le 3 janvier : Il ne touchera … Continuer la lecture

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FT8WW Crozet Island

FT8WW Crozet Island Jan 3, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Most recent log upload completed. 12.5K QSOs made so far. This new upload includes QO-100 QSOs. Note: Today – January 3 – Thierry cannot transmit until after 1500z. Also, any recent … Continuer la lecture

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cycle solaire 25

Solar Cycle 25 Update Jan 3, 2023 Sunspot counts hits 7 year high – [source] This plot from NOAA shows the ascending progression of Solar Cycle 25. It has outperformed the official forecast for 35 months in a row. If … Continuer la lecture

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RI3ØANT, Vostok Station

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program RI3ØANT, Vostok Station- 30 years of RRC 1 Gennaio 2023 To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of  Russian Robinson Club (RRC) a Special callsign RI3ØANT will operate from Vostok Base (WAP RUS-13) from January 1 to March … Continuer la lecture

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3Y/LB5GI & 3Y/LB1QI Bouvet Island Jan 2, 2023 Following on from yesterday’s info about very limited activity from Bouvet by 3Y7GIA & 3Y7THA, now we can report that 3Y/LB5GI & 3Y/LB1QI may also QRV from there. Co-leader Ken LA7GIA says: … Continuer la lecture

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9U5R – Burundi

9U5R – Burundi Jan 2, 2023 Elvira IV3FSG – together with Vladimir OK2WX (as 9U4WX) – will be active from Bujumbura, Burundi as 9U5R during February 4-27, 2023. QRV on 80-40-20-17-15-12-10-6m; CW, SSB & Digital. QSL via IK2DUW.  Version … Continuer la lecture

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ET3AA Éthiopie

ET3AA Ethiopia Jan 2, 2023 K4ZW, W9XY & EY8MM will be active from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia as ET3AA during January 14-21, 2023. QRV on various bands & modes. QSL via N2OO. A previous activity. Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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D4CW & D44DX Cape Verde

D4CW & D44DX Cape Verde Jan 2, 2023 Oliver, DJ5QW plans activity from Sal island, Cape Verde as D4CW & D44DX during January 4-18, 2023. QRV on 80-10, CW & SSB. QSL via DARC buro. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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FG4KH – Guadeloupe<

FG4KH – Guadeloupe Jan 2, 2023 Philippe, F1DUZ, will again be active as FG4KH from Guadeloupe during February 15 to March 7, 2023. Participation in the REF SSB contest and the ARRL SSB contest too. QSL via H/c, LoTW, QRZ … Continuer la lecture

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L’équipage de la station

L’équipage de la station L’équipage de la station conclut une année chargée alors que l’examen de Soyouz se poursuit Les ingénieurs de vol de l’expédition 68 (de gauche) Josh Cassada, Nicole Mann et Frank Rubio, tous de la NASA, et … Continuer la lecture

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3Y7GIA & 3Y7THA Bouvet Island

3Y7GIA & 3Y7THA Bouvet Island Jan 1, 2023 Although 3Y0J is by far the main Bouvet Island DXpedition, recently 3Y7GIA & 3Y7THA callsigns were added to the database. On mentioning this info on social media, a reply from Ken … Continuer la lecture

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Calendrier DX News 425 N°1652

Calendrier DX News 425 N°1652 du 31-12-2022 Calendrier DX N°1652 du 31-12-2022

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9U4WX – Burundi

9U4WX – Burundi Jan 1, 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Thanks to Vlad OK2WX for the latest news: Preparations for the expedition are proceeding as planned. At the end of the year, after several months, we managed to obtain all import … Continuer la lecture

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