6 °C
8 °C

Vent : 4.8 km/h
Humidité : 53%
OJ0EME – Market Reef 17-06-2023 [REMINDER] – Sebastian DG5CST, Roland DK4RC and Norbert DL4DTU plan to be active from Market Reef as OJ0EME during June 18 to 24, 2023. 2m 2 X 9 El. 500 W 70cm 3m dish 500 … Continuer la lecture
MM0UKI – Isle of Rockall, EU-189 17-06-2023 [NEWS SCOOP] – Mark the date in your diary! MM0UKI is going to be QRV again from Rockall, EU-189 on Thursday, July 20th. Nobby, G0VJG and the SV Taeping team will be returning … Continuer la lecture
ET3AA – Ethiopia [UPCOMING] – Ken, K4ZW and Bob, W9XY will return to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during June 19-29 to again work with more students at EARS (Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society). QRV on HF bands; CW, SSB & FT8. QSL … Continuer la lecture
W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program LU1ZV, a 50 Mhz MULTIMODE ANTARCTIC RADIO BEACON LOCATOR: GC16MO 16 Giugno 2023 A 50 Mhz multimode Antarctic radio beacon has been installed at Esperanza Base (WAP ARG-Ø4), Argentine Antarctic Territory. Locator: GC16MO The purpose of … Continuer la lecture