6 °C
8 °C

Vent : 4.8 km/h
Humidité : 53%
KH8RRC – American Samoa 26-06-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – With just a short time before departure, the KH8RRC team is close to the needed budget but can still use support. Please visit their QRZ page to see how you can help them … Continuer la lecture
A tiny part of Bouvet! 26-06-2023 Earlier today the postman delivered an item stamped “Norge“. What could this be from Norway? Actually, upon opening the envelope I had remembered that Ken LA7GIA (team leader of 3Y0J) had recently said he … Continuer la lecture
DU1/LB3RE – Luzon Island, OC-042 26-06-2023 Rag, LB3RE Will be QRV from Luzon Island OC-042 as DU1/LB3RE during June 28 to July 18, 2023. Activity on 40-6m. QSL via LoTW , Club Log & H/c. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture