Archives mensuelles : juin 2023

KH2/JQ1QQU – Guam

KH2/JQ1QQU – Guam 12-06-2023 Yas, JA1QQU will be active from Guam as KH2/JA1QQU during June 29 to July 4, 2023. QRV on 10 & 6m; FT8. Grid: QK23jm. LoTW and eQSL uploads after July 7th. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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425 DX News Bulletin N°1675

425 DX News Bulletin N°1675 du 10-06-2023 DX News 425 Bulletin N°1675 du 10-06-2023

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T88PB – Palau

T88PB – Palau 12-06-2023 Nobu JA0JHQ will again be active from Palau as T88PB during June 13-19, 2023. QRV on 160-6m, CW & SSB. Participation in the All Asian DX CW contest (June 18th). QSL via H/c. QTH: VIP Guest … Continuer la lecture

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8Q7KB – Maldives

8Q7KB – Maldives 12-06-2023 [UPCOMING] – Kasimir, DL2SBY will again be active from the Maldives as 8Q7KB during June 13-21, 2023. QTH this time is Maafushi Island. QRV mainly on higher bands + 6m; CW, SSB, Digi. QSL via DL2SBY, … Continuer la lecture

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VP6A – Île Ducie

VP6A – Ducie Island 12-06-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – The Magnet has reached Ducie Island. High seas are slowing deployment. Expect to be QRV on 13 June (00:00) UTC. [PREVIOUSLY] – VP6A will be on the air from Ducie Island (OC-182) … Continuer la lecture

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Z68XX – Kosovo

Z68XX – Kosovo 12-06-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Tapani, OH5BM and Naim, Z62NS will activate 5 MHz and also 50 MHz (6M) starting June 14th until late on Sunday, June 18th. QSL via OH2BH. NOTE: The Kosovo parliament recently approved the … Continuer la lecture

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W8S – Île de Swains

W8S – Swains Island 12-06-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Building & testing antennas ahead of W8S – Swains Island DXpedition took place today. The full summary on how that went is here. Pictures credit Martin, PA4WM: [MAY 17] – It’s happening: … Continuer la lecture

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Infos de l’I.B.P.T

Infos de l’I.B.P.T Examens de l’IBPT L’IBPT informe que le délai pour les examens est actuellement de 6 à 8 semaines. Les personnes souhaitant participer à un examen sont invitées à s’inscrire à temps. L’inscription se fait de préférence par … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] VU7W – Lakshadweep Islands 11-06-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – As can be seen, the Spiderbeam antenna at VU7W is up and running. Recording below is of 20m CW earlier today. A reminder that Yuris is QRV for one more week. … Continuer la lecture

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KH8RRC – American Samoa

KH8RRC – American Samoa 11-06-2023 Two operators (so far) from the North America branch of the venerable Russian Robinson Club (RRC), Yuri N3QQ and James KB2FMH, will setup a station on a mountaintop inside the American Samoa National Park. This … Continuer la lecture

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