7 °C
8 °C

Vent : 3.4 km/h
Humidité : 64%
W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program China resumes construction of its fifth Antarctic Base 2 Luglio 2023 China has resumed construction of its fifth research facility in Antarctica after a years-long lull. The report said the new station, on Inexpressible Island at 74° 54′ South, … Continuer la lecture
IP1X – Gallinara Island, EU-083 03-07-2023 Team consisting IU1JCZ, I1NVU, IK1CJO, IK1NEG and IK1QBT will be active as IP1X from Gallinara Island (EU-083) during July 29-30, 2023. QRV on 80-10m, CW & SSB. Particiaption in the IOTA contest (Multi-op, L/P … Continuer la lecture
3D2BJ – Fiji & Rotuma 03-07-2023 Continuing his 1-Man Holiday-Style DXpeditions (previously AH2/WA7WJR , AH0/WA7WJR, V63WJR), “BJ” WA7WJR was recently issued with his Fijian license, callsign 3D2BJ. QRV today, if you follow BJ’s adventures he’s currently staying on Rotuma and … Continuer la lecture
C21TS – Nauru [NEWS UPDATE] – Phil, FK1TS updates he will be back on Nauru around July 22. I’ll be starting a new job, radio will be secondary, and I also don’t know where I will be staying yet. But … Continuer la lecture