7 °C
8 °C

Vent : 3.4 km/h
Humidité : 64%
D73G – Paegya Island, AS-060 19-07-2023 Members of the Gwangju DX Club (6L0NJ) will be active as D73G from Paegya Island, AS-060 during July 28-30, 2023. Activity on 160-6m; CW, SSB and FT8/FT4. Participation in IOTA contest. QSL via HL4CCM, … Continuer la lecture
EZ/DL7ZM – Turkmenistan 19-07-2023 [UPDATE] – Thanks to Pasquale IW0HEX for the following : In order to give more news about recent the EZ/DL7ZM experimental / demonstration activity from Turkmenistan by David DL7ZM from May 28 to June 3, I … Continuer la lecture
MM0UKI – Isle of Rockall, EU-189 19-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE @ 1330z] – Further to the news update below, it appears the team did reach Rockall, but are now turning back. At this moment, without proper confirmation, it looks like MM0UKI … Continuer la lecture
BY4JN – Lingshan Island AS-150 19-07-2023 Team consisting of BI4KKC, BA4KR, BG4NMT, BG4OXQ & BA4MY will be active from Lingshan island AS-150 during the IOTA contest as BY4JN. They will use a combination of antennas and QRV on 40-6m also … Continuer la lecture