7 °C
8 °C

Vent : 3.4 km/h
Humidité : 64%
Calendrier DX News 425 N°1682 du 29-07-2023 Calendrier DX N°1682 du 29-07-2023
T2C – Tuvalu 28-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – As most of you know, our team conducts every year a serious light weight DXpedition to rare to semi-rare DXCC entities. These are not vacation trips. We take proper technology – including a … Continuer la lecture
425 DX News Bulletin N°1682 du 29-07-2023 DX News 425 Bulletin N°1682 du 29-07-2023
4W8X – Timor Leste 28-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] 4W8X, Timor-Leste will be activated in November 2023 by a team of 20+ skillful and highly experienced DXers and Contesters from Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary and England under leadership of Lagunaria DX Group. Highlighting … Continuer la lecture
Gili Ketapang Island OC-237 28-07-2023 During the IOTA contest look for YB3EDD/P, YC3GZY/P, YC3RNW/P & YF3BVD/P to be active from Gili Ketapang Island OC-237. Individual calls to be used, no contest call. All pictures provided by Budi, YF1AR for DX-World … Continuer la lecture