Archives mensuelles : juillet 2023

4W6RU – Timor oriental

4W6RU – Timor Leste 12-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – As 4W6RU approaches 60K QSOS (check log here ) some more pictures of their activity below. Note: Vlad R9LR and Slav OK8AU have also joined the team. Continue reading —» HERE Version … Continuer la lecture

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Le WRTC est un événement international organisé tous les quatre ans

WRTC 2026 – UK 10-07-2023 [NEWS RELEASE] – WRTC is an international event held every four years that brings together teams of Amateur Radio contesters to compete against each other on a level playing field. The 2022 event was held … Continuer la lecture

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David, VK5DG sera actif depuis l’île Norfolk en tant que VK5DG/9

VK5DG/9 – Norfolk Island 10-07-2023 David, VK5DG will be active from Norfolk Island as VK5DG/9 during July 21-27, 2023. This is a satellites activity / DXpedition, focusing on Greencube IO-117 but he also hopes to use the LEOs AO-91, Tevel … Continuer la lecture

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Nous diffusons (presque) en direct sur les ondes avec des microwatts TX Factor est de retour sur les ondes ! Nous diffusons (presque) en direct sur les ondes avec des microwatts d’énergie à large bande pour vous présenter l’émission tant attendue 29 de TX Factor. Dans ce programme, nous augmentons … Continuer la lecture

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Calendrier DX News 425 N°1679 du 08-07-2023

Calendrier DX News 425 N°1679 du 08-07-2023 Calendrier DX N°1679 du 08-07-2023

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Bert CX3AN sera actif depuis l’atoll de Dhaalu, Maldives

8Q7HU – Maldives 08-07-2023 [EARLY REMINDER] – Bert CX3AN will be active from Dhaalu Atoll, Maldives as 8Q7HU during July 11-18, 2023. QRV on 40-6m. QSL via EB7DX. NOTE: Previously, CX3AN and CX4CR were QRV as 8Q7HU in 2012 from … Continuer la lecture

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425 DX News Bulletin N°1679 du 08-07-2023

425 DX News Bulletin N°1679 du 08-07-2023 DX News 425 Bulletin N°1679 du 08-07-2023

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L’équipe composée de DL2AWG, DK2AMM, DL2AMD et DF4GV sera QRV depuis Chuuk Island

V6EU – Chuuk Island, F.S.M 07-07-2023 Team consisting DL2AWG, DK2AMM, DL2AMD and DF4GV will be QRV from Chuuk Island, OC-011 as V6EU during November 15-28, 2023. Activity on 160-10m, possibly 60m; CW, SSB, RTTY & FT8: verticals and amps. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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C’est une bien triste nouvelle pour toute la communauté WW DX

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program George Georgiy Chliyants, UY5XE is SK 7 Luglio 2023 It’s a real sad news for the whole WW DX Community and in particular to us of WAP,  learning of the death of a long time dear … Continuer la lecture

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Mark DK8MM et Uwe DL8UD seront actifs depuis Maya Hill Lodge, Belize

V31XT & V3O – Belize 07-07-2023 Mark DK8MM and Uwe DL8UD will be active from Maya Hill Lodge, Belize as V31XT during September 6-14, 2023. participation in the WAE SSB contest as V3O. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log … Continuer la lecture

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Notre retour dans le Pacifique est prévu pour l’automne 2023

T2C – Tuvalu 07-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Our return to the pacific is scheduled for the fall of 2023. With the help of Jared N7SMI and John KK7L, important details for Tuvalu – T2 could be clarified. It is really … Continuer la lecture

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Quand 3Y0J rencontre 3Y5X

When 3Y0J met 3Y5X 05-07-2023 As WRTC 2022/2023 gets underway in Italy, here we have a likely iconic image in the years ahead. A meeting between 3Y0J and 3Y5Xin Bologna. 3Y0J ops Otis NP4G & Mike AB5EB. 3Y5X op is … Continuer la lecture

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KH8RRC – Samoa américaines

KH8RRC – American Samoa 05-07-2023 [QRV] – KH8RRC started activity on 40SSB with operator James KB2FMH. Here’s an audio recording by DX-World. [JULY 3] – The KH8RRC – W1AW/KH8 team is looking for a little help from our friends in … Continuer la lecture

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ES1NOA/0 – Île de Hiiumaa, EU-034

ES1NOA/0 – Hiiumaa Island, EU-034 04-07-2023 Timo, OH1NOA will be active from Hiiumaa Island, Estonia IOTA EU-034 as ES1NOA/0 during July 9/10-12, 2023. He will activate some ES0 ESFF-references on 80-10m CW/SSB, and hopes to activate the base camp on … Continuer la lecture

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Service logistique 4O3A DXpedition

4O3A DXpedition Logistic Service 04-07-2023 Exciting news! Are you going on a serious DXpedition? Are you part of a multinational team? Will you be activating a most wanted or rare DXCC entity? Will you be QRV from an interesting location? … Continuer la lecture

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H40WA – Province de Temotu

H40WA – Temotu Province 04-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce that all of our plans to activate H40 Temotu Province are going well.  Due to changes in flight schedules, we are announcing our operational dates … Continuer la lecture

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