Archives mensuelles : juillet 2023

La Chine reprend la construction de sa cinquième base antarctique

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program China resumes construction of its fifth Antarctic Base 2 Luglio 2023 China has resumed construction of its fifth research facility in Antarctica after a years-long lull. The report said the new station, on Inexpressible Island at  74° 54′ South, … Continuer la lecture

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IP1X – Gallinara Island, EU-083

IP1X – Gallinara Island, EU-083 03-07-2023 Team consisting IU1JCZ, I1NVU, IK1CJO, IK1NEG and IK1QBT will be active as IP1X from Gallinara Island (EU-083) during July 29-30, 2023. QRV on 80-10m, CW & SSB. Particiaption in the IOTA contest (Multi-op, L/P … Continuer la lecture

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3D2BJ – Fiji & Rotuma

3D2BJ – Fiji & Rotuma 03-07-2023 Continuing his 1-Man Holiday-Style DXpeditions (previously AH2/WA7WJR , AH0/WA7WJR, V63WJR), “BJ” WA7WJR was recently issued with his Fijian license, callsign 3D2BJ. QRV today, if you follow BJ’s adventures he’s currently staying on Rotuma and … Continuer la lecture

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Phil, FK1TS informe qu’il sera de retour à Nauru vers le 22 juillet

C21TS – Nauru [NEWS UPDATE] – Phil, FK1TS updates he will be back on Nauru around July 22. I’ll be starting a new job, radio will be secondary, and I also don’t know where I will be staying yet. But … Continuer la lecture

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L’équipe composée de DU7OK, DU7LEG, 4F7ETO, DV7LEQ, DW7PGZ et DW7FBH

DX7EVM/5 – Kalanggaman, OC-129 02-07-2023 Team consisting DU7OK, DU7LEG, 4F7ETO, DV7LEQ, DW7PGZ & DW7FBH will be active from Kalanggaman Island, OC-129 as DX7EVM during the IOTA contest (July 29-30). QSL via address on  Click below to view video of … Continuer la lecture

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Calendrier DX News 425 N°1678 du 01-07-2023

Calendrier DX News 425 N°1678 du 01-07-2023 Calendrier DX N°1678 du 01-07-2023

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Ce n’est apparemment un secret pour personne

FT5/X – Kerguelen 02-07-2023 It’s apparently no secret (well, it was to us!) that Thierry F6CUK of FT8WW fame plans (emphasis on plans) to go with a second operator to the Kerguelen Islands in late 2024. No exact dates or … Continuer la lecture

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425 DX News Bulletin N°1678 du 01-07-2023

425 DX News Bulletin N°1678 du 01-07-2023 DX News 425 Bulletin N°1678 du 01-07-2023

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Dans cette vidéo 4k de 21 minutes, vous découvrirez non seulement CROZET

VIDEO – FT8WW 02-07-2023 Most excellent video (play above) produced by Patrick F2DX who says: In this 21 minute 4k video you will discover not only CROZET (place of FT8WW amateur radio expedition from December 2022 to April 2023) but … Continuer la lecture

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IJ7DX – San Pietro Island, EU-073

IJ7DX – San Pietro Island, EU-073 02-07-2023 Team consisting IZ7AUH, IZ7LDC, IK7WDS, IW7DOL, IW7DMH, IU7EHF & IZ8EGM will be active from San Pietro Island, EU-073 as IJ7DX during July 28-30, 2023. Participation in the IOTA contest. Also QRV as IJ7SAT … Continuer la lecture

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Field Day avec 4 piles AA Field Day avec 4 piles AA Le Field Day de cette année a été l’occasion d’expérimenter les communications d’urgence. J’ai utilisé une petite plate-forme qui tient dans une boîte de 3 X 5 pouces et fonctionne avec 4 piles … Continuer la lecture

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Ce connecteur, correctement appelé PL-259, est le connecteur RF À propos de ce connecteur UHF J’ai causé un petit cafouillage sur Twitter récemment, quand j’ai posté ceci : Ce connecteur, correctement appelé PL-259, est le connecteur RF le plus courant pour une utilisation radioamateur. La contrepartie femelle s’appelle … Continuer la lecture

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W5JON en tant que V47JA sera à nouveau actif

V47JA – St Kitts 01-07-2023 W5JON as V47JA will again be active from Calypso Bay, St. Kitts during August 28 to September 12, 2023. Operating on SSB and FT8; 6-160m using a Yaesu FT-3000D, and Elecraft KPA500 amplifier. Antennas: Mosley … Continuer la lecture

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PJ5/PA4O & PJ5/PE6Q – Sint Eustatius

PJ5/PA4O & PJ5/PE6Q – Sint Eustatius 01-07-2023 [EARLY REMINDER] – During July 6 to 18, look for PJ5/PA4O and PJ5/PE6Q to be active from Sint Eustatius. QRV on 80-6m; CW, SSB & FT8. Participation in the IARU HF Championship Contest … Continuer la lecture

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JS6RRR & JI3DST/6 – Île de Miyako, AS-079

JS6RRR & JI3DST/6 – Miyako Island, AS-079 01-07-2023 Take, JS6RRR (also JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6 & JR8YLY/6) will be active from Miyako-jima AS-079 during July 20 to August 2, 2023. QRV on 80-6m, SSB/CW/FT8 using various calls mentioned on different modes. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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JS6RRR & JI3DST/6 – Miyako Island, AS-079

JS6RRR & JI3DST/6 – Miyako Island, AS-079 30-06-2023 Take, JS6RRR (also JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6 & JR8YLY/6) will be active from Miyako-jima AS-079 during July 20 to August 2, 2023. QRV on 80-6m, SSB/CW/FT8 using various calls mentioned on different modes. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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