7 °C
8 °C

Vent : 3.4 km/h
Humidité : 64%
Sujet : Informatief 2023-9 bis Belangrijk Bericht De : <jules.verheyde@telenet.be> Date : 09-08-23, 22:50 Pour : <jules.verheyde@telenet.be> Gisteren ontving u van ons “Informatief 2023-9”. Geleive deze versie uit uw mailsysteem te schrappen. Hierbij vind u de nieuwe aangepaste versie. Met onze verontschuldigingen. Nobody is … Continuer la lecture
Calendrier DX News 425 N°1684 du 12-08-2023 Calendrier DX N°1684 du 12-08-2023
FG8OJ Caribbean trip 11-08-2023 [UPDATE] – Burt, FG8OJ will be active from the following Caribbean islands in August: St Barthelemy as FJ/FG8OJ (August 6-8) Saba as PJ6/FG8OJ (August 8-11) St Martin as FS/FG8OJ (August 11-16) Each activity will be low … Continuer la lecture
425 DX News Bulletin N°1684 du 12-08-2023 DX News 425 Bulletin N°1684 du 12-08-2023
C21TS – Nauru 11-08-2023 [UPDATE] – C21TS mentions the following when trying to work him: Please call with grid so MSHV knows how far away you are. Longest path goes to the head of the queue with MSHV sorted by … Continuer la lecture
ZD9W – Tristan da Cunha 11-08-2023 Yuris, YL2GM (recently VU7W) will be active from Tristan da Cunha as ZD9W during September 24 to October 22, 2023. ZD9 is #44 in Club Log’s DXCC Most Wanted List as of August 2023. … Continuer la lecture
[VIDEO] – TX5S Clipperton Update 11-08-2023 Clipperton Island, the atoll in the eastern Pacific Ocean, has a storied history of presidential visits, castaways waiting to be rescued, government squabbles over ownership and, of course, ham radio DXpeditions. In January 2024, … Continuer la lecture