7 °C
8 °C

Vent : 3.4 km/h
Humidité : 64%
Information TO8FH – Mayotte 16-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – To benefit from a fast LoTW confirmation it has become more and more common to have to pay or, otherwise, to wait 6 months to a year (or even more). F6KOP does … Continuer la lecture
W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program The Statue of the “Virgin and Child” on Kerguelen Islands 16 août 2023 The Kerguelen archipelago, closer to Antarctica than to any other inhabited land, is located in what was called the “Roaring Forties belt”. With … Continuer la lecture
Information FW – Wallis & Futuna 16-08-2023 Jacky, ZL3CW informs DX-World that he plans to be active from Wallis island (QTH: FW1JG) during November 20-30, 2023. This will be a CW only DXpedition with focus on WARC bands. Participation in … Continuer la lecture
Information 9L5M – Sierra Leone 16-08-2023 habu, M0KRI recently added the callsign 9L5M to the QRZ.com database. Previously, Shabu was active from Lakshadweep (VU7RI), Burundi (9U4RI) and Uganda (5X1RI). Full info on this holiday-style activity provided in due course. QSL … Continuer la lecture
PR0T – Trindade Island 15-08-2023 No later than November 2023 – the exact date to be confirmed by the Brazilian Navy – team consisting PY1ZV Fábio, PT2IC Stephano and PY6RT Beto will leave the Brazilian coast and head in the … Continuer la lecture
E51D – North Cook RIB DXpedition 15-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – E51D will be on the air from N. Cook Islands, Penhryn Atoll, grid BI11, from August 19 to September 10. Bands activated will be 160 to 10m and 6m. Modes … Continuer la lecture
VK9LAA – Lord Howe Island 15-08-2023 [UPDATE] – VK9LAA is now confirmed. Initial info below: [JULY 31] – W7YAQ, Bob and K7AR, Al will be active from the Beachcomber Lodge on Lord Howe Island, Australia from September 20 to October … Continuer la lecture
VK9XGM – Christmas Island 15-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – VK9XGM will be running two separate stations. How we divide our activity between CW, SSB and FT4/8 will depend on a number of factors including conditions, QSO balances and operator fatigue! We both … Continuer la lecture
QSL status – Rebel DX Group 15-08-2023 Recent news posted on Rebel DX Group Facebook page: First part: 40,000 QSL cards are sent. Another 40K cards will be sent in about 10-15 days and another 30K cards in about 30 … Continuer la lecture
AmateurRadio.com www.southgatearc.org redirige maintenant vers les nouvelles quotidiennes de la radio amateur Si vous avez encore l’ancien Southgate Amateur Radio News URL dans vos favoris. Vous trouverez maintenant qu’il vous redirige vers ARD Amateur Radio Daily.. Cliquez sur le lien … Continuer la lecture
ZA/OE6VCG – Albania 14-08-2023 Chris, OE6VCG will be active from Shkoder, Albania as ZA/OE6VCG during September 20 to October 1, 2023. Like previous times, he will QRV on FT8, FT4 and JT65. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, H/c. Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture
OJ0JR – Market Reef > 14-08-2023 Henri, OH3JR is again active from Market Reef (EU-053) as OJ0JR. QRV in his spare time (he helps with maintenance of lighthouse whilst there) mainly on HF bands, CW/FT8 and possibly SSB. QSL via … Continuer la lecture
DX on this Day 14-08-2023 Spanning 25 years, looking back from 2022 to 1997 showing DX on this Day. Do you remember working AH8A or 9M6OO or maybe XY5T ? You can also check back here and see all previous … Continuer la lecture
TO8FH – Mayotte 13-08-2023 Having had to cancel their planned DXpedition to 5U-Niger due to ongoing risks in the country, team F6KOP announce a new destination: As you can imagine, it is currently too risky to consider going to Niger … Continuer la lecture
C21TS – Nauru 13-08-2023 [UPDATE] – C21TS mentions the following when trying to work him: I am currently only doing FT8 and maybe FT4. I will be using MSHV, so call with signal report if you want. HOWEVER I do … Continuer la lecture
W8S – Swains Island 13-08-2023 [UPDATE] – With POTA (Parks on the Air) now becoming more popular by the day, DX-World recently received word that the W8S Swains Island DXpedition will now also be a POTA activation. The entry has … Continuer la lecture