- Jeudi Demain 7 °C
- Vendredi 4 °C
Vent : 2.3 km/h
Humidité : 74%
Informations C21TS – Nauru 07/11/2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Phil, FK1TS / C21TS writes: Will be very quiet for the next week. The utilities provider here currently doing 3 hour rolling outages. They have mechanical issues and this might drag on … Continuer la lecture
W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program The renewed Polish Antarctic Station 8 Novembre 2023 The new building of the Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station, will become operational in 2023. Two years earlier, as part of the tests, the structure will be assembled … Continuer la lecture
H44WA Îles Salomon sera actif sur FT8 29/10/2023 Du 15 au 29 novembre 2023, une équipe composée de WA7CPA, N7QT, N7JP, N9ADG, KC7EFP, NU7J et WC7Q sera actif à partir de Îles Salomon avec le nom H44WA. Ils seront sur … Continuer la lecture