Archives de catégorie : DX-pedition

3Y0L – Peter 1 Island 2026

Informations 3Y0L – Peter 1 Island 2026 02/12/2023 Plans for Peter I Island DXpediton (2026) in progress. We have secured a vessel, and we’re now building a team of 19 operators that will go to Peter I Island in February … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 3Y0K – Bouvet Island 2025

Informations 3Y0K – Bouvet Island 2025 02/12/2023 3YØK DXpedition to Bouvetøya January 2025 (#11 most wanted) Up to 21 days on the island A team of 3 operators + support team of 4 persons + remote team Budget $440,000 where … Continuer la lecture

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Projet de l’île Bouvet et de l’île Pierre Ier

Informations Bouvet Island and Peter I Island Project 02/12/2023 We’re building an organization of 25+ experienced DXpeditioners committing to and capable of executing some of the rarest and most difficult entities to activate. In the pipeline we have two exciting … Continuer la lecture

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Informations Vanuatu DXpedition 2024

Informations Vanuatu DXpedition 2024 29/11/2023 [UPDATE] – Not every DXpedition for ham radio operators has to be a trip into the wilderness or to an island in a rubber raft. Vanuatu is number 74 for single side band (number 105 … Continuer la lecture

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Informations XW4DX – Laos

Informations XW4DX – Laos 26/11/2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – It’s almost the end! We are starting to dismantle the antennas today to only keep the Hexbeam, the 40m 4square and the 160m vertical. Tomorrow morning everything will have to be dismantled … Continuer la lecture

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K8R – Expédition RIB DX de Swains Island

Informations K8R – Swains Island RIB DXpedition 20/11/2023 If you missed W8S Swains Island, then here’s another chance. Info by George, AA7JV: Swains Island during November 22 to 27 – we will stop by to participate in the CQWW CW … Continuer la lecture

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Informations PR0T – Île de Trindade

Informations PR0T – Trindade Island 20/11/2023 [UPDATE @ 1200z] PR0T is QRT. The operations began on November 16th @ 2003z and finished on November 20th @ 0600z. That means a total of 84 hours or 3 days and 12 hours … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 4W8X – Timor Leste

Informations 4W8X – Timor Leste 20/11/2023 [UPDATE] Club Log information should be OK now. From now on please regard the “Livestream” as EXPERIMENTAL. Do not rely 100% on what is displayed there. We are implenting new network infrastructure tomorrow. Once … Continuer la lecture

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Informations TX7L – Îles Marquises

Informations TX7L – Marquesas Islands 19/11/2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – TX7L went QRT at 1930z today. All antennas and stations disassembled. Over 55K QSOS in log. [NOVEMBER 17] – Band conditions have not been so good recently on Marquesas. However, earlier … Continuer la lecture

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Informations H44WA – Îles Salomon

Informations H44WA – Solomon Islands 19/11/2023 NEWS UPDATE] – It was a successful first day on 160m but we will probably have to stick mostly with FT8 due to noise. CW is possible on 80m and we will continue like … Continuer la lecture

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T32TT East Kiribati sera actif dans FT8

T32TT East Kiribati sera actif dans FT8 16/11/2023 Du 01 au 21 décembre 023 une équipe du Rebel DX Group sera active depuis l’Est de Kiribati avec l’appel T32TT. Ils seront actifs avec 15 stations (2 CW, 1 SSB, 12 … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 7O8AD & 7O8AE – Yémen

Informations 7O8AD & 7O8AE – Yemen 19/11/2023 [NOVEMBER 19] – Ken 7O8AD/ LA7GIA says: First class service from ARRL Award Manager Sharon Taratula for going to the office on a Sunday to process the 7O8AD and 7O8AE LoTW certificates that … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 7O73T – Yemen

Informations 7O73T – Yemen 19/11/2023 [UPDATE] –  The SWR on 160m antenna was very high yesterday so basically unusuable, but the issue has been resolved today so 7O73T will be on air on top band later today (Sunday). Dima sent … Continuer la lecture

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Informations ZL7IO – Chatham Islands

Informations ZL7IO – Chatham Islands 19/11/2023 [UPDATE] I’m in my final preparation for the next trip to Chatham. My planned schedule is from Wednesday the 22nd Nov to Wednesday the 29th. This time of the year there it can be very foggy … Continuer la lecture

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Informations XW4DX – Laos

Informations XW4DX – Laos 14/11/2023 [UPCOMING] – We are the day before departure. F2DX, F4HAU, F5PTM and F8AVK will spend the night in a hotel in Roissy while F4BKV is already in Laos for a few days in order to … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 4W8X – Timor Leste

Informations 4W8X – Timor Leste 14/11/2023 [160M UPDATE by DL3DXX] Dietmar, DL3DXX Lauhata Beach is about 20 miles west of Dili, a village of several thousand people, with no industry, no agriculture, some fishing and living off what tourists spend … Continuer la lecture

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