Archives de catégorie : IOTA

Informations ZD7CA – Sainte-Hélène

Informations ZD7CA – St Helena 17/12/2023 [QRV] – Chris HB9FIY sera de nouveau sur l’île de Sainte-Hélène sous le nom de ZD7CA pendant quelques semaines de la mi-décembre 2023 au début janvier 2024. Auparavant, il était QRV sur 40-10m ; … Continuer la lecture

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Informations VU4N – Îles Andaman

Informations VU4N – Andaman Islands 16/12/2023 [QRV] – The equipment coming over from VU7 will be available on December 16 at VU4 for pickup. Will get to work in the morning. The electrician will come in to setup the 3 … Continuer la lecture

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Informations KL7RRC – Île Saint-Paul, NA-028

Informations KL7RRC – St. Paul Island, NA-028 15/12/2023 [UPDATE] At 15:30z today, KL7RRC went QRT. Yuri N3QQ says approx 5600 QSOs were made despite having equipment failure, broken antenna and bad weather. Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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Informations ZD7CA – St Helena

Informations ZD7CA – St Helena 14/12/2023 [EARLY REMINDER] – Chris HB9FIY will again be on St Helena island as ZD7CA for a few weeks during mid-December 2023 to early-January 2024. Previously he was QRV on 40-10m; SSB & Digi. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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KL7RRC – St. Paul Island, NA-028

Informations KL7RRC – St. Paul Island, NA-028 14/12/2023 [NEWS UPDATE @ 0850z] – via N3QQ Just a few hours left. Will QRT around 16:00z today. It’s been a fun experience. We carved out few hours to conduct a presentation about … Continuer la lecture

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Informations KL7RRC – St. Paul Island, NA-028

Informations KL7RRC – St. Paul Island, NA-028 12/12/2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Regarding robots, their names are Alex KL5CX and Yuri N3QQ. All who need different modes, watch dxsummit or dxheat. Openings to EU – one so far and very short … Continuer la lecture

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Informations ZF2NQ – Îles Caïmans

Informations ZF2NQ – Cayman Islands 10/12/2023 Look for Bruce, K3NQ to be active from Grand Cayman, NA-016 as ZF2NQ during December 11-20, 2023. QRV holiday-style on 17-10m, all modes. Logs uploaded to Club Log. QSL via M0OXO. Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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EM1U / EM1EHR – Galindez Isl. AN-006

Informations EM1U / EM1EHR – Galindez Isl. AN-006 09/12/2023 [UPDATE] –  As of December 8th, having previously been active as EM1U and VP8/UW5EHR, Serg is now QRV as EM1EHR – location remains the same. Activity has been on 12-20-30m FT8 … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 3W9C – Con Son Island, AS-130

Informations 3W9C – Con Son Island, AS-130 09/12/2023 [UPDATE] – Info via SP5APW: My trip to Con Dao is almost over. I managed to make over 1500 QSO with stations from 73 DXCC. I worked mainly on FT8. Over 200 … Continuer la lecture

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KL7RRC – St. Paul Island, NA-028

Informations KL7RRC – St. Paul Island, NA-028 03/12/2023 [UPDATE] – Yuri, N3QQ informs that KL7RRC operations from NA-028 may start earlier than expected due to flight time changes caused by bad weather forecast for later next week. Team will now … Continuer la lecture

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Informations VP2VMM – Îles Vierges britanniques

Informations VP2VMM – British Virgin Islands 01/12/2023 [EARLY REMINDER] – Team consisting K2KW, KD4D, AG9A & W9RE will be active from Anegada, British Virgin Islands, NA-023 during December 4-12, 2023. Participation in the ARRL 10m Contest as VP2VMM. Outside of … Continuer la lecture

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3W9C – Con Son Island, AS-130

Informations 3W9C – Con Son Island, AS-130 28/11/2023 [UPCOMING] – Jacek, SP5APW will be active from Con Son Island, AS-130, Vietnam as 3W9C during November 30 to December 9, 2023. QRV on HF bands + 6m, SSB & FT8. Jacek … Continuer la lecture

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Informations VU4N – Andaman Islands

Informations VU4N – Andaman Islands 27/11/2023 Following on from his VU7A activity from Lakshadweep, Krish W4VKU will then be QRV from the Andaman Islands as VU4N during December 16-26, 2023. QRV on 160-6m; SSB & FT8. QSL via W4VKU.  Version … Continuer la lecture

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Informations VU7A – Lakshadweep Islands

Informations VU7A – Lakshadweep Islands 27/11/2023 Krish, W4VKU plans to be active from the Lakshadweep Islands, AS-106 as VU7A during December 5-10, 2023. QRV on 160-6m; SSB and FT8. QSL via W4VKU.  Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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Informations H44WA – Îles Salomon

Informations H44WA – Solomon Islands 19/11/2023 NEWS UPDATE] – It was a successful first day on 160m but we will probably have to stick mostly with FT8 due to noise. CW is possible on 80m and we will continue like … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans DX, DX-pedition, Infos DX, IOTA, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire

K6VHF/HR9 – Roatan Island, NA-057

Informations K6VHF/HR9 – Roatan Island, NA-057 19/11/2023 [UPCOMING] – Alex, K6VHF will again be active from Roatan island (NA-057), Honduras as K6VHF/HR9 during November 21-28, 2023. QRV on 40-6m; CW, SSB, FT8/FT4. QSL via LoTW. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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