Archives de catégorie : IOTA

Information FW2CW & FW5N – Wallis & Futuna

Information FW2CW & FW5N – Wallis & Futuna 22-08-2023 [UPDATE] – Jacky, ZL3CW informs DX-World that he plans to be active from Wallis island (QTH: FW1JG) during November 20-30, 2023. This will be a CW only DXpedition with focus on … Continuer la lecture

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Information CB0ZA – Île Juan Fernández

Information CB0ZA – Juan Fernandez Island 22-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – CB0ZA plans are way underway. We are happy to announce a new addition to our team. Hal W8HC as decided to join us for our expedition. Hal bring a lot … Continuer la lecture

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Information RI0Z – Île Komandoskiye, AS-039

Information RI0Z – Komandoskiye Island, AS-039 21-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – After a delay, the RI0Z team are now on their way to AS-039. Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Information RI0Z – Île Komandoskiye, AS-039 … Continuer la lecture

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Information K4H – Île Hatteras, NA-067

Information K4H – Hatteras Island, NA-067 21-08-2023 Matt, AF2F will once again be active from Hatteras Island NA-067 (North Carolina) during August 23 to September 3 on upper HF bands + 6m CW and FT8 signing as K4H. 200W FT8, … Continuer la lecture

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Information SV5/HB9OAU – Île de Karpathos, EU-001

Information SV5/HB9OAU – Karpathos Isl, EU-001 20-08-2023 Claudio, HB9OAU will again be active from Karpathos Island, EU-001 as SV5/HB9OAU during September 5-21, 2023. QRV on 80-10m, SSB/RTTY/FT8; holiday-style. QSL via Buro, LoTW, Direct. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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Information RI0Z – Île Komandoskiye, AS-039

Information RI0Z – Komandoskiye Island, AS-039 19-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Expedition to AS-039 is delayed by a couple of days due to a typhoon in the Kamchatka region. The ship will depart port on August 21st. Pictures by R7AA.  [MARCH … Continuer la lecture

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PR0T – Île de la Trinité

PR0T – Trindade Island 15-08-2023 No later than November 2023 – the exact date to be confirmed by the Brazilian Navy – team consisting PY1ZV Fábio, PT2IC Stephano and PY6RT Beto will leave the Brazilian coast and head in the … Continuer la lecture

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E51D – North Cook RIB DXpedition

E51D – North Cook RIB DXpedition 15-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – E51D will be on the air from N. Cook Islands, Penhryn Atoll, grid BI11, from August 19 to September 10. Bands activated will be 160 to 10m and 6m. Modes … Continuer la lecture

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VK9XGM – Île Christmas

VK9XGM – Christmas Island 15-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – VK9XGM will be running two separate stations. How we divide our activity between CW, SSB and FT4/8 will depend on a number of factors including conditions, QSO balances and operator fatigue! We both … Continuer la lecture

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TO8FH – Mayotte

TO8FH – Mayotte 13-08-2023 Having had to cancel their planned DXpedition to 5U-Niger due to ongoing risks in the country, team F6KOP announce a new destination: As you can imagine, it is currently too risky to consider going to Niger … Continuer la lecture

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VP5/N5VOF & VP5/KI5UBT – Turks & Caicos

YJ0TT – Vanuatus 10-08-2023 [UPDATE] – The DX Obsessed / YJ0TT DXpedition website has recently been updated – check it out here.  [JUNE 4] – A team consisting NC7M, K6VHF, W6UC and NG7E will be active from Port Vila, Vanuatu … Continuer la lecture

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PJ7AA – Saint-Martin

PJ7AA – St Maarten 07-08-2023 Tom, AA9A will again be active from Sint Maarten as PJ7AA between March 2-10, 2024. QRV on 40-6m CW, SSB, FT8. All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log. QSL via H/c, LoTW. … Continuer la lecture

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3B9AT – Rodrigues Island

3B9AT – Rodrigues Island 06-08-2023 Ivan, IK3ZAQ and Luca IV3JVJ announce they will be active from Rodrigues Island, AF-017 as 3B9AT during December  27, 2023 to January 6, 2024. QRV on 40-10m; CW, SSB & FT8. QSL via IV3JVJ, LoTW. … Continuer la lecture

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CB0ZA – Île Juan Fernández

CB0ZA – Juan Fernandez Island 31-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – The CB0ZA team have been working on the selection of antennas and equipment. They want to put a good signal on all bands. Taking into account the place and space restrictions, … Continuer la lecture

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VK9LAA – Île Lord Howe

VK9LAA – Lord Howe Island 31-07-2023 W7YAQ, Bob and K7AR, Al will be active from the Beachcomber Lodge on Lord Howe Island, Australia from September 20 to October 4, 2023. They have requested the call VK9LAA although it is still … Continuer la lecture

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V6 – États fédérés de Micronésie

V6 – Federated States of Micronesia 29-07-2023 Active from Weno island, Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia (F.S.M) during September 18-21, look for the following calls: V63Z & V6AAA by JH2BNL V6WW by JA2NQG V63FM by JI2UAY V63OS by JR2WER … Continuer la lecture

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