Archives de catégorie : IOTA

Île de Gili Ketapang OC-237

Gili Ketapang Island OC-237 28-07-2023 During the IOTA contest look for YB3EDD/P, YC3GZY/P, YC3RNW/P & YF3BVD/P to be active from Gili Ketapang Island OC-237. Individual calls to be used, no contest call. All pictures provided by Budi, YF1AR for DX-World … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA Contest 2023

IOTA Contest 2023 27-07-2023 This coming weekend (July 29-30) sees the IOTA contest taking place. To keep track of participating island stations or to add your entry check here and here. The rules are here. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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W1N – Île de Nantucket, NA-046

W1N – Nantucket Island, NA-046d 25-07-2023 Don K6ZO will be active from Nantucket Island, NA-046 as W1N during July 26-30, 2023. Participation in the IOTA contest. Logs will be uploaded LoTW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate W1N – … Continuer la lecture

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OY/PF3X & TF/PF3X – Faroes & Iceland

OY/PF3X & TF/PF3X – Faroes & Iceland 23-07-2023 Lau, PF3X will be on a road trip covering the Faroes islands and Iceland during August 7-25. QRV on 160-6m, SSB & Digi. Plans as follows: OY/PF3X 7-9 August 2023 IP62pb from … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA Contest 202

IOTA Contest 2023 23-07-2023 Next weekend (July 29-30) sees the IOTA contest taking place. To keep track of participating island stations or to add your entry check here and here. The rules are here. Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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PR6T – Tinhare Island, SA-080

PR6T – Tinhare Island, SA-080 23-07-2023 Bob PY6TV and Jose PY6HD will be active from Tinhare island, SA-080 as PR6T during July 28-30, 2023. Participation in the IOTA contest. QRV on 40-20-15-10; SSB & FT8. QSL via LoTW, Club Log … Continuer la lecture

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B2/BY1AA – Île de Xiaochangshan, AS-158

B2/BY1AA – Xiaochangshan Island, AS-158 22-07-2023 Team consisting of BA1AJ, BA1GM, BD1RX, BD1KV, BG1DX, BI1AWQ & BI1NIK will be active as B2/BY1AA from Xiaochangshan island, AS-158 during the IOTA contest (July 29-30). Category: M/S (High Power). QSL via BA4EG. Version … Continuer la lecture

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RG0C/P – Îles Shantar, AS-044

RG0C/P – Shantar Islands, AS-044 21-07-2023 During the period July 27 to August 10, Anton RG0C/P will be active from the Shantar Islands AS-044 (Sea of Okhotsk Coast Centre group). QRV on 20m, CW; low power using battery / solar … Continuer la lecture

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D73G – Île de Paegya, AS-060

D73G – Paegya Island, AS-060 19-07-2023 Members of the Gwangju DX Club (6L0NJ) will be active as D73G from Paegya Island, AS-060 during July 28-30, 2023. Activity on 160-6m; CW, SSB and FT8/FT4. Participation in IOTA contest. QSL via HL4CCM, … Continuer la lecture

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MM0UKI – Île de Rockall, EU-189

MM0UKI – Isle of Rockall, EU-189 19-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE @ 1330z] – Further to the news update below, it appears the team did reach Rockall, but are now turning back. At this moment, without proper confirmation, it looks like MM0UKI … Continuer la lecture

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BY4JN – Île de Lingshan AS-150

BY4JN – Lingshan Island AS-150 19-07-2023 Team consisting of BI4KKC, BA4KR, BG4NMT, BG4OXQ & BA4MY will be active from Lingshan island AS-150 during the IOTA contest as BY4JN. They will use a combination of antennas and QRV on 40-6m also … Continuer la lecture

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3B9KW & 3B9/M0CFW – Ile Rodrigues

3B9KW & 3B9/M0CFW – Rodrigues Island 17-07-2023 Kazu, M0CFW (JK3GAD) will again be active from Rodrigues island as 3B9KW during the CQWW CW contest (November 25-26). Activity before/after contest (November 19 to December 1) as 3B9/M0CFW. QSL via LoTW. Version … Continuer la lecture

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IA5/IK6QON – Île de Giglio, EU-028

IA5/IK6QON – Giglio Island, EU-028 17-07-2023 Francesco, IK6QON will be active from Giglio Island, EU-028 during July 22-31, 2023. QRV holiday-style on HF, CW & SSB using multiband vertical and 100W. Participation (part-time) in the IOTA contest (July 29-30). Version … Continuer la lecture

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ZL7/SP5EAQ – Îles Chatham

ZL7/SP5EAQ – Chatham Islands 16-07-2023 [NEWS] – The ZL7/SP5EAQ website is now online – check here. A reminder this is an SSB only DXpedition.  [JUNE 15] – Jacek, SP5EAQ informs DX-World that he is finalizing preparations for a new one … Continuer la lecture

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CB0ZA – Île Juan Fernández

CB0ZA – Juan Fernandez Island 16-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – One of the objectives in this DXpedition is to give the opportunity to contact Juan Fernandez island on as many bands and modes as possible. For this reason the team are … Continuer la lecture

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Le Yokohama DX Club (YDXC) opérera depuis les États fédérés de Micronésie

V6SX – Chuuk, F.S.M 16-07-2023 The Yokohama DX Club (YDXC) will operate from the Federated States of Micronesia as V6SX during October 25 through 31, 2023, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the club’s founding. They will participate in CQWW DX … Continuer la lecture

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