Archives de catégorie : IOTA

JI3DST – Île de Shodo, AS-200

JI3DST – Shodo Island, AS-200 18 mai 2023 Take, JS6RRR (also JI3DST/5, JJ5RBH/5 & JR8YLY/5) will again be active from Shodo Island AS-200 during May 23 to July 5, 2023. QRV on 80-6m, SSB/CW/FM/RTTY/JT65 using various calls above on different modes. QSL via info.  Version … Continuer la lecture

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8Q7VJ – Maldives

8Q7VJ – Maldives 17 mai 2023 [UPCOMING] Vincent, HB9VCJ will be active from the Cocoon Maldives Resort, Ookolhufinolhu, Lhaviyani Atoll, Maldives as 8Q7VJ during May 20 to June 4, 2023. QRV on HF bands, QRP. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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OJ0/LB5SH + others

OJ0/LB5SH + others – Market Reef 17 mai 2023 [UPCOMING] Stian, LB5SH along with Bjørn, LA1UW, Tor, LA3WAA, and Kristoffer, LB0VG will be active from Market Reef during May 20-27, 2023. More info here or here. OJ0/LA1UW OJ0/LA3WAA OJ0/LB5SH OJ0/LB0VG … Continuer la lecture

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W8S – Île de Swains

W8S – Swains Island 17 mai 2023 It’s happening: Swains 2023 is on! Although it was silent for quite some time, we were still working on the project and are happy that we can now announce that the contract with … Continuer la lecture

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PE55TEX – Île de Texel, EU-038

PE55TEX – Texel Island, EU-038 16 mai 2023 A small team (Wil PE3T, Marco DJ4MH, Chris DK2CL, Kolja DK5KK and Zik DK8ZZ) will be active in IOTA Contest 2023 from Texel Island (EU-038) using special callsign PE55TEX. There will be … Continuer la lecture

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MM0UKI – Île de Rockall, EU-189

MM0UKI – Isle of Rockall, EU-189 11 mai 2023 [UPDATE by Nobby G0VJG] – We have had many challenges over the 2 years planning for this expedition but we are ready to go. There will be a tracker on the … Continuer la lecture

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OY/IW1PRT – Faroe Islands

OY/IW1PRT – Faroe Islands 11 mai 2023 Alberto, IW1PRT will be active (spare time) from the Faroe Islands (EU-018) as OY/IW1PRT during May 22-25, 2023. QRV on 10 & 12m; SSB, FM, FT8. QSL via eQSL,, LoTW. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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9M4KI – Île Songsong

9M4KI – Songsong Island, AS-058 11 mai 2023 [REMINDER] An 18-man 9M2-team will be active from Songsong Island (Kedah West Malaysia) AS-058 as 9M4KI during May 12-14, 2023. QRV on 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m; SSB. QSL via 9M2HUS. Team … Continuer la lecture

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TO9W – St Martin

TO9W – St Martin 07 mai 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – We are pleased to announce our next TO9W activity from the beautiful island of Saint Martin. Activity will take place November 26th to December 8th, 2023. The 2023 team will … Continuer la lecture

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TX7L – Îles Marquises 2023

TX7L – Marquesas Islands 2023 07 mai 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Team consisting F6BCW, F6EEQ, F6FMC, F6HBI, F5VHQ, F5JRX, F5LRL, F4ISZ and F1MNQ will be active from Hiva Oa Island as TX7L during November 4-19, 2023; QRV on 160-6m CW, … Continuer la lecture

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3D2LYC – Yanuca Island, OC-189

3D2LYC – Yanuca Island, OC-189 06 mai 2023 [QRT SOON] Cezar, VE3LYC informs that he will attempt to operate for full five days from Yanuca, OC-189, between May 1 and 6 as 3D2LYC. He had originally intended to take this … Continuer la lecture

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4F1DY/2 – Île de Calayan, OC-092

4F1DY/2 – Calayan Island, OC-092 24 avril 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – We got word that Jairus now plans activity from an island within the OC-091 IOTA group. More info including island name once we receive it.. [APRIL 15] – Jairus, … Continuer la lecture

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JE1HXZ/6 – Île de Kuro, AS-024

JE1HXZ/6 – Kuro Island, AS-024 24 avril 2023 Mitsuru, JE1HXZ/6 will be active from Kuroshima (Kuro Island), Yaeyama Islands AS-024 from 28 April to 8 May, 2023. QRV on 160-6m; CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8/FT4. QSL via buro or LoTW. Kuroshima … Continuer la lecture

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FP/DK7LX – St Pierre & Miquelon

FP/DK7LX – St Pierre & Miquelon 18 avril 2023 Georg, DK7LX is currently active as FP/DK7LX from St Pierre and Miquelon NA-032. QRV on HF bands, CW. QSL via home call, Club Log OQRS. NOTE: Georg was previously active as … Continuer la lecture

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GS3PYE – Isle of Islay

GS3PYE – Isle of Islay, EU-008 17 avril 2023 A large group of Camb Hams from Cambridge, UK will be active from the island of Islay (EU-008) in the Inner Hebrides, Scotland from April 30th to May 6th as GS3PYE. … Continuer la lecture

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AT8BRS – Activation AS-153

AT8BRS – Activation of AS-153 17 avril 2023 [QRV] A group of VU-hams plan activity from Henry island AS-153 (West Bengal) IOTA group on April 17-19 (to coincide with World Amateur Radio Day, 18th).  Previously AT8BRS operated from Mahisani (Mousuni) … Continuer la lecture

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