Archives de catégorie : IOTA

XF1I – Îles Maria, NA-244P

XF1I – Islas Marias, NA-244P 16 avril 2023 A team consisting XE1YL, XE1AY, XE2JT and XE1SY plan activity (from April 20) as XF1I from Isla María Madre Puerto Balleto NA-244P – a never before activated IOTA group. Translated from … Continuer la lecture

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CO30RRC – Île aux noix de coco

CO30RRC – Cayo Coco Island, NA-086 15 avril 2023 Members of the Russian Robinson Club will be active with special call CO30RRC from Cayo Coco Island, NA – 086 during 24 April – 4 May 2023. QRV on HF Bands. … Continuer la lecture

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VU7W – Îles Lakshadweep

VU7W – Lakshadweep Islands 15 avril 2023 [NEWS UPDATE @ 1430z] – VU7W is now QRV, starting off on 20m FT8. [APRIL 13] – The journey has started. 4 flights in total plus a ship to get to VU7; with … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA et opérations à distance

IOTA & Remote Operations 13 avril 2023 The recent FO/AA7JV activation is both interesting and thought-provoking, especially when it comes to possible future activations of rare entities or difficult IOTA. Yuri, N3QQ posted a comment given the above activity and … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA tour / Timor Leste

YB9/DK7PE – IOTA tour / Timor Leste 12 avril 2023 Rudi, DK7PE got in touch to say he’s currently visiting and activating some Indonesian islands as YB9/DK7PE. He mentions that May/June he will probably be in Dili, East Timor and … Continuer la lecture

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T30UN – Western Kiribati

T30UN – Western Kiribati 10 avril 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Arrived at new QTH. Kaam is currently still operating 1 x FT8 station at the previous location. As soon as they set up camp and move 10-20m antennas to new … Continuer la lecture

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H40WA – Temotu Province

H40WA – Temotu Province 08 avril 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Paul N6PSE informs the H40WA team has been quiet recently, but all plans are moving forward. They are procuring equipment, meeting face to face at Visalia and making plans for … Continuer la lecture

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PR5M – Île Mel, SA-047

PR5M – Mel Island, SA-047 5 avril 2023 A Brazilian team will be active from Mel Island SA-047 as PR5M during April 21-23, 2023. QRV with 2 stations, HF bands. QSL via PP5BZ. The quiet island of Ilha do Mel … Continuer la lecture

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ZY1M – Île Maricas, SA-079

ZY1M – Maricás Island, SA-079 5 avril 2023 During 1 weekend (between mid-April / mid-May), team PY1AA – LABRE-RJ will activate Maricás Island SA-079. The activity depends on local sea conditions. Special callsign ZY1M will be used and the QSL … Continuer la lecture

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Île de Miyako, AS-079

JS6RRR & JI3DST/6 – Miyako Island, AS-079 3 avril 2023 Take, JS6RRR (also JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6 & JR8YLY/6) will be active from Miyako-jima AS-079 during April 17 to May 15, 2023. QRV on 80-6m, SSB/CW/FT8 using various calls mentioned on different … Continuer la lecture

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DX0NE – Îles Spratly

DX0NE – Spratly Islands 3 avril 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Following on from the previous info below, Gil 4F2KWT will be active as DX0NE from Kalayaan, Spratly Islands, AS-051 during April 30 to May 9, 2023. QRV on 160-6m. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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T30UN – Western Kiribati

T30UN – Western Kiribati 28 Mars 2023 NEWS UPDATE – Kaam, T33KC is already in Tarawa after leaving Banaba recently. He is making preparations for the upcoming T30UN DXpedition; setting up antennas and getting generators working. In addition, he will … Continuer la lecture

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H44MI – Malaita Island, OC-047

H44MI – Malaita Island, OC-047 27 Mars 2023 Michael, DL2GMI will be active from Malaita Island, OC-047 as H44MI starting April 2, 2023. QRV on 80-6m; SSB, FT8. QSL via home call, LoTW, Club Log OQRS. Malaita is the most … Continuer la lecture

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CY0S – l’Île de Sable

CY0S – Sable Island 27 Mars 2023 [UPDATE] – With almost 8000 QSOs made during the CQ WPX contest, team CY0S is still very active. Today they’ve been QRV on CW, FT8, RTTY, EME, 6m. Over 60K QSOs in total … Continuer la lecture

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TX5L – Nouvelle-Calédonie

TX5L – New Caledonia 27 Mars 2023 [QRV] Look for FK4QX, FK4RD and FK8IK to be active from Lifou island, OC-033 as TX5L during March 27-31, 2023. QRV on HF bands. QSL via F4FTV.

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T31TT – Kanton Island

T31TT – Kanton Island 26 Mars 2023 After the upcoming T30UN DXpedition to Tarawa, W. Kiribati, the Rebel DX Group will be making a return visit to Kanton island and QRV as T31TT starting first week of June. Length of … Continuer la lecture

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