Archives de catégorie : IOTA

D4NA – Cape Verde

D4NA – Cape Verde 23 Mars 2023 Timo OH1NOA / OH1NA will operate as D4NA from Sal Island, Cabo Verde, AF-086 during March 30 to April 6, 2023. IOTA AF-086. QRV holiday-style with a plan to activate two new D4FF … Continuer la lecture

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Tournée IOTA mexicaine

Mexican IOTA tour by XE2AA 22 Mars 2023 [REMINDER] Look out for Enrique, XE2AA to be active from the following Mexican IOTA on these dates: XF2C – Carmen Island, NA-135 (March 24-31) XF3A – Tamalcab Island, NA-200 (April 2-7) XF3O … Continuer la lecture

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CY0S – Île de Sable

CY0S – Sable Island 20 Mars 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – First glimpse of Sable island as the advance team arrive. Pictures credit Lee, WW2DX. Continue reading —» HERE Info de la Source * ICI Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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MS0INT – Île de Tiree, EU-008

MS0INT – Isle of Tiree, EU-008 20 Mars 2023 On May 26th – after picking up Emil DL8JJ and Nobby G0VJG from the airport and dropping them off at their departure point for MM0UKI Rockall EU-189 DXpedition – Col MM0NDX … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA OC-092 & OC-244

DU1/SP5APW – IOTA OC-092 & OC-244 18 Mars 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Jacek arrived Calayan island OC-092 yesterday (March 18) and has already been QRV on 6m. Today, he’ll be on HF bands as that antenna is now also up … Continuer la lecture

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les plus recherchées des l’IOTA

IOTA Most Wanted List Expanded 16 Mars 2023 [SOURCE] To help IOTA DXpeditioners decide which island groups are most needed and therefore potential candidates to visit, the Most Wanted List now shows these groups in country prefix order (here) as … Continuer la lecture

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HK0/PY7RP, HK0/PY7XC & HK0/PY8WW 16 Mars 2023 During May 4-11, look for HK0/PY7RP, HK0/PY7XC & HK0/PY8WW to be active from San Andres island. QRV on 80-6m; CW, SSB & FT8. Focus on higher bands including 6m which will have a … Continuer la lecture

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C6AJB – Bahamas

C6AJB – Bahamas 14 Mars 2023 When time permits, Steven KG4LJB is active from Eleuthera, Bahamas NA-001 as C6AJB until March 24th. QRV on 80-10m, SSB & FT8. No CW. Possibility of 60m activity. Eleuthera is located in the Bahamas … Continuer la lecture

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VY0ERC – île d’Ellesmere

VY0ERC – Ellesmere Isl, NA-008 14 Mars 2023 [REMINDER] Pierre, VK3KTB will again be active as VY0ERC from the Eureka Amateur Radio Club, Ellesmere Island, NA-008 during March 15 to April 12, 2023. QRV when time permits as the main … Continuer la lecture

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Île aux chèvres NA-122

HI0LT – Isla Cabras NA-122 12 Mars 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – HI0LT is now QRV. Here’s a few pictures and video of the activity. More images / videos here.  [PREVIOUSLY] – Team members of Loma del Toro DX Club will … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA OC-092 & OC-244

DU1/SP5APW – IOTA OC-092 & OC-244 11 Mars 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – I crossed a barrier of 150 QSOs on 6m giving new IOTA on VHF to many chasers. There was an opening to JA8 and Central Asia between 0500z-0700z … Continuer la lecture

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Île de Shodo, AS-200

JI3DST – Shodo Island, AS-200 11 Mars 2023 Take, JS6RRR (also JI3DST/5, JJ5RBH/5 & JR8YLY/5) will be active from Shodo Island AS-200 during March 25 to April 5, 2023. QRV on 80-6m, SSB/CW/FM/RTTY/JT65 using various calls above on different modes. QSL via info.  Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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Île de Rockall, EU-189

MM0UKI/P – Isle of Rockall, EU-189 06 Mars 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] The MM0UKI/P DXpedition to the Isle of Rockall is soon approaching. In just over 2.5 months from now, several intrepid souls, including radio hams Nobby G0VJG and Emil DL8JJ, … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA OC-092 & OC-244

DU1/SP5APW – IOTA OC-092 & OC-244 09 Mars 2023 [NEWS UPDATE @ 0755Z] – Jacek sent a little video of him setting up on Marinduque island OC-244 where he is there until March 14th. Afterwards he will QRV from OC-092. … Continuer la lecture

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FO/F6BCW – Polynésie française

FO/F6BCW – French Polynesia 06 Mars 2023 Didier, F6BCW (ex-TX7G) will be active from Huahine island, OC-067 as FO/F6BCW during the period May – October 2023. QRV on 160-6m; CW & SSB. QSL via H/c, LoTW. This activity is prior … Continuer la lecture

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AT8BRS – Activation de l’AS-153

AT8BRS – Activation of AS-153 06 Mars 2023 Detailed info still to come, but a group of VU-hams plan activity from one of the islands in the AS-153 (West Bengal) IOTA group on April 18th (World Amateur Radio Day). Island … Continuer la lecture

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