Archives de catégorie : IOTA

KC4AAC Station Palmer, Antarctique

KC4AAC Palmer Station, Antarctica Dec 13, 2022 For the 2022/23 US-Antarctic scientific season, there’s a new ham operator based at Palmer Station, Anvers Island, AN-012. Look out for Cody running KC4AAC on the HF bands when time permits. There is … Continuer la lecture

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S21DX Île de Dal Char

S21DX Dal Char Island, AS-140 Bangladesh Dec 10, 2022 [NEWS UPDATE @ 0700z] – According to DX cluster reports, S21DX started activity on 20m FT8 (F/H) followed by 10m FT8 (F/H). As soon as we get more info from the … Continuer la lecture

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HK0/PY8WW San Andres Island, NA-033

HK0/PY8WW San Andres Island, NA-033 Dec 9, 2022 [NEWS UPDATE] – For a 2 week period in May 2023 (dates to be announced), Renato will again be active from San Andres island as HK0/PY8WW.  [APRIL 1, 2022] Renato, PY8WW will … Continuer la lecture

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S21DX Île de Dal Char

S21DX Dal Char Island, AS-140 Bangladesh Dec 8, 2022 [NEWS UPDATE] – Early preparations underway for the upcoming IOTA AS-140 activity. Previous updates below: [DECEMBER 8] – At 0300z today, the team reached Bhola island. The second part of the … Continuer la lecture

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5J01EA & 5K0VT Providencia, NA-049

5J01EA & 5K0VT Providencia, NA-049 Dec 8, 2022 [SLIGHT DATE CHANGE] HK3EA (as 5J01EA) and HK3MKQ (as 5K0VT) will be active from Providencia island, NA-049 during February 27 to March 7, 2023. QRV on HF bands. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, … Continuer la lecture

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LP1A Île Martin Garcia, SA-055

LP1A Isla Martin Garcia, SA-055 Dec 8, 2022 [UPCOMING] Capi, LU1COP plans activity from Isla Martin Garcia, SA-055 as LP1A during December 8-11, 2022. QRV on 80-10m; FT8 & SSB. Full info, including POTA and lighthouse activity can be found … Continuer la lecture

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IG9/S59A Lampedusa Island, AF-019

IG9/S59A Lampedusa Island, AF-019 Dec 7, 2022 Team consisting S51V, S52OT, S54W, S56N, S57DX, S59A, S50O and S50X will be active from Lampedusa Island, AF-019 as IG9/S59A during January 23-31, 2023. Participation and focus in the CQWW 160 CW contest. … Continuer la lecture

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XF1S Tiburon Island, NA-167

XF1S Tiburon Island, NA-167 Dec 5, 2022 [QRV] A group of Mexican radio amateurs will activate Tiburon (Shark) Island, NA-167 for the first time from December 4-9 2022. IOTA frequencies will be used in CW, SSB and Digital modes from … Continuer la lecture

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H44SHD Uepi Island, OC-14

H44SHD Uepi Island, OC-149 Dec 3, 2022 [REMINDER] Starting at the end of November and lasting until early January, Remo HB9SHD will be visiting Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Some of his activity will be land based while … Continuer la lecture

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VK9WX Île Willis

VK9WX Willis Island Nov 29, 2022 Sands, VU2WXW / VK4WXW writes the following: Sands VK9WX The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has a weather monitoring station on Willis Island. The station was established in 1921, it serves as an early cyclone … Continuer la lecture

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3D2AG/P Rotuma 2022

3D2AG/P Rotuma 2022 Nov 29, 2022 [NEWS UPDATE] – On the scene with 3D2AG/P (credit Antoine) 3D2AG/P set-up [NOVEMBER 20] Antoine, 3D2AG informs DX-World of his next Rotuma DXpedition:  Getting ready here to travel to Rotuma Island (OC-060) around 0600 … Continuer la lecture

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LP1A/E Isla Martin Garcia, SA-055

LP1A/E Isla Martin Garcia, SA-055 Nov 17, 2022 Capi, LU1COP plans activity from Isla Martin Garcia, SA-055 as LP1A/E during December 8-11, 2022. QRV on 80-10m; FT8 & SSB. Full info, including POTA and lighthouse activity can be found here … Continuer la lecture

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C6AGU Bahamas

C6AGU Bahamas Nov 15, 2022 A team consisting HA7RY, HA8KW, KN4EEI and AA7JV will be active as C6AGU from Wood Cay Island, NA-001 starting November 19th. Participation in the CQWW DX CW. QSL via HA7RY, LoTW. Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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Q9X Île de Roatan, NA-057

HQ9X Roatan Island, NA-057 Nov 12, 2022 During the CQWW CW contest look for HQ9X to be QRV from Roatan Island, NA-057. This team consists K1TR, K1XM, KQ1F, SM7IUN & W1UE who will also sign HR9/homecalls between November 20-30, 2022; … Continuer la lecture

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D4SAL Cape Verde

D4SAL Cape Verde Nov 12, 2022 Paco, EA7KNT will again be active from Porto Antiguo, Sal Island (AF-086) Cape Verde as D4SAL during November 13-20, 2022. Paco was last active from here in September 2021. QSL via H/c. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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XF3RAM Île de Carmen, NA-135

XF3RAM Carmen Island, NA-135 Nov 1, 2022 Raymundo, XF3RAM is a new operator who resides on Carmen island (Campeche state group) NA-135. He uses an IC-7300, IC-7000 and 5 element yagi on 10m + 40m dipole. NOTE: NA-135 is a … Continuer la lecture

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