Archives de catégorie : IOTA


OH0/OG5O and OH0/OH2HOD Aland Islands Mar 28, 2022 Keijo, OG5O informs DX-World that he and Raila, OH2HOD will be active from the Aland Islands during May 21-25 as OH0/OG5O & OH0/OH2HOD. Locator is KO09cx which is a rare grid square. … Continuer la lecture

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ZW2F Île de Comprida, SA-024

ZW2F Comprida Island, SA-024 Mar 27, 2022 PY2LCD, PS8RV, PT2OP, PY2ABN and PY2NNM will be active from Comprida island, SA-024 as ZW2F during April 5-10, 2022. QRV on 40-10m, possibly activity on 6m too from rare grid GG64 (on April … Continuer la lecture

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FO/W1XGI Îles Australes

FO/W1XGI Austral Islands Mar 25, 2022 NEWS UPDATE – Bookmark this page for future updates. JANUARY 9, 2022 – Haru, JA1XGI plans to be active from the Austral island as FO/W1XGI during the month of November (2022). Entire schedule may … Continuer la lecture

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5P5BI Île de Bornholm, EU-030

5P5BI Bornholm Island, EU-030 Mar 25, 2022 [UPDATE] Eight Belgian operators will be active from Bornholm island EU-030 (Denmark) during April 24 to May 1, 2022. QRV as 5P5BI on 160-6m; CW, SSB & Digi. QSL via ON6EF. Webpage Info … Continuer la lecture

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TM5IB Batz Island, EU-105

TM5IB Batz Island, EU-105 (France) Mar 25, 2022 [REMINDER] Team TM5IB plan to be active from Batz island, EU-105 (Bretagne-Finistere North Region group) during March 26 to April 2, 2022. QRV on CW, SSB & FT8. QSL via ON7ZM. More … Continuer la lecture

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DA0HEL ile de Helgoland Hop 25/03/2022

DA0HEL ile de Helgoland Hop 25/03/2022 Plus de vingt Radioamateurs activeront l’île allemande d’Helgoland pendant deux semaines, à partir de ce vendredi 25 mars 2022. Le groupe utilisera deux indicatifs. DA0HEL sera utilisé sur l’île principale, située dans la baie … Continuer la lecture

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R150WS Île de Rykacheva, AS-104

R150WS Rykacheva Island, AS-104 Mar 21, 2022 NEWS UPDATE At night it got cold to -20. At 05-20 the heat gun stopped working. Part of the team spent the whole day doing repairs. A backup option has been implemented. The … Continuer la lecture

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JS6RRR/5 & JI3DST/5 Île Shodo, AS-200

JS6RRR/5 & JI3DST/5 Shodo Island, AS-200 Mar 21, 2022 Take, JS6RRR and Take, JI3DST will be active from Shodo island AS-200 during March 25 to April 12, 2022. QRV on 80-2m CW/SSB/FT/RTTY/FM. Note the following calls in use: JI3DST/5 (mainly … Continuer la lecture

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VK9NT Île Norfolk

VK9NT Norfolk Island Mar 21, 2022 VK3HJ, VK3QB and VK6CQ will be active from Norfolk island as VK9NT during April 14-25, 2022. QRV on 160-10m CW, SSB & FT8. QSL via M0OXO. Info de la Source * ICI Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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XO2O Île-du-Prince-Édouard, NA-029

XO2O Prince Edward Island, NA-029 Mar 21, 2022 Team consisting VY2BG, VY2DS, VY2OL & VY2OM will be active during the CQ WW WPX SSB contest from Prince Edward island, NA-029 as XO2O. The XO prefix is quite rare. Info de … Continuer la lecture

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S21DX Char Kukri-Mukri, AS-140

S21DX Char Kukri-Mukri, AS-140 Mar 19, 2022 NEWS UPDATE Below is a video of the S21DX IOTA DXpedition to AS-140 by S21AM and S21RC. DX-World was very happy to be main media outlet for this activity.  DXpedition. S21DX website … Continuer la lecture

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R150WS Île de Rykacheva, AS-10

R150WS Rykacheva Island, AS-104 Mar 20, 2022 NEWS UPDATE The first night on the island was uneventful. Everything works fine, we sleep in the warmth. During the night, the equipment warmed up. In the morning the weather gave us a … Continuer la lecture

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OX3LX – Groenland

OX3LX – Greenland Mar 17, 2022 NEWS UPDATE – OX3LX will again QRV from Kangerlussuaq NA-018 during March 18-21, 2022. Bo says it’s not a DXpedition so will only be active when not at QRL. (Best chance is in the … Continuer la lecture

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R150WS Île de Rykacheva, AS-104

R150WS Rykacheva Island, AS-104 Mar 8, 2022 NEWS UPDATE The R150WS team continue to travel to Rykacheva island, AS-104. Their progress can be seen here and they update their diary here. FEBRUARY 27 On March 4, 2022, a snowmobile expedition … Continuer la lecture

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Guadeloupe Au moment où vous lisez ceci, Philippe, F1DUZ, devrait à nouveau être actif en tant que FG4KH depuis le QTH de FG5FI à Sainte Anne en Guadeloupe (NA-102) jusqu’au 15 mars. L’activité sera sur 80/40/20/17/15/12/10 mètres en utilisant SSB, … Continuer la lecture

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OH0EG : Iles Aland EU-002

OH0EG : Iles Aland EU-002 du 0.1 au 09/04/2022 Wies, SP1EG, informe OPDX des activités à venir des îles Aland (EU-002): Les opérateurs Wies/SP1EG, Hans/DK8RE, Frank/DM5WF et Hans/DL8UUF seront actifs en tant que OH0EG de Jomala, Fasta Aland, entre avril … Continuer la lecture

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