Archives de catégorie : IOTA

YB0DX/7 & YC5YC/7 Borneo, OC-088

YB0DX/7 & YC5YC/7 Borneo, OC-088 Jan 23, 2022 NEWS UPDATE – On the scene with YC5YC/7 — DX (@DX_World) January 23, 2022 [JANUARY 13] Donny YB0DX (newly elected ORARI-Indonesian Amateur Radio Chairman) and Dave YC5YC (Founder & Director … Continuer la lecture

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JW100QO Svalbard

JW100QO Svalbard Jan 22, 2022 This news update (thanks to Max ON5UR) follows on from the initial breaking news at the start of this month regarding JW0X DXpedition A DXpedition to the world’s northernmost habitable place! It’s going to be … Continuer la lecture

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TX5N Îles Australes

TX5N Austral Islands Jan 21, 2022 UPDATE – Several members of the Perseverance DX Group (PDXG) will activate Raivavae Island (Austral Islands), French Polynesia, April 15 – April 29, 2022 for approximately 12 operating days. The plan is to have … Continuer la lecture

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TO6S Terre de Haut, NA-114 Guadeloupe

TO6S Terre de Haut, NA-114 Guadeloupe Jan 16, 2022 UPCOMING: Regarding the radio equipment, everything is OK. Regarding the trip, everything is OK, there remains the hotel in Orly and the parking lot for the cars to be reserved. Taxis … Continuer la lecture

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YB0DX/7 & YC5YC/7 Borneo, OC-088

YB0DX/7 & YC5YC/7 Borneo, OC-088 Jan 13, 2022 Donny YB0DX (newly elected ORARI-Indonesian Amateur Radio Chairman) and Dave YC5YC (Founder & Director of DXPortable Amateur Radio) will be active from Borneo OC-088 during January 23-24, 2022. QRV on all HF … Continuer la lecture

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JS6RRR/5 & JI3DST/5 Île Shodo, AS-200

JS6RRR/5 & JI3DST/5 Shodo Island, AS-200 Jan 13, 2022 Take, JS6RRR and Take, JI3DST will be active from Shodo island AS-200 during January 20 to February 24, 2022. QRV on 80-2m CW/SSB/FT/RTTY/FM. Note the following calls in use: JI3DST/5 (mainly … Continuer la lecture

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Turks et Caicos Iles entre le 23 et le 31/03/2022

Turks et Caicos Iles entre le 23 et le 31/03/2022 Les opérateurs John/AF3K et Ross/W2TT, qui ont annulé leur opération l’année dernière en raison du Covid, seront actifs en tant que VP5/AF3K et VP5/W2TT, respectivement, depuis l’île de Providenciales (NA-002) … Continuer la lecture

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ZY6A Ilha dos Frades, SA-023

ZY6A Ilha dos Frades, SA-023 Jan 12, 2022 [REMINDER] Robson PY6TV and Rafael PP2OH will be active from Ilha dos Frades, SA-023 as ZY6A during January 13-16, 2022. QRV on 10-15-20-40m. QSL via info. Info de la Source * … Continuer la lecture

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AU2GSI Sagar Island, AS-153 (Inde)

AU2GSI Sagar Island, AS-153 (India) Jan 12, 2022 NEWS UPDATE – AU2GSI has been active mostly on 40 SSB. Thanks to QSL manager EA5GL for sending these pictures to DX-World: JANUARY 6 – Members of the West Bengal Radio Club … Continuer la lecture

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Activation of Rondo Island, OC-245

Activation of Rondo Island, OC-245 Jan 12, 2022 YB6ABO/P, YC1BIQ/6, YD0AVE/6 and YE1AR/6 will be active from Rondo island, OC-245 during January 20-27, 2022. QRV on 160-10m; CW, SSB & FT8. QSL all calls via N2OO. NOTE: Rondo Island is … Continuer la lecture

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B4/BG2CNO Île de Lingshan, AS-150

B4/BG2CNO Lingshan island, AS-150 Jan 10, 2022 [UPCOMING] Team members of Huaniu Amateur Radio Club (BI4MPY, BG2CNO & BD3QC) will be active from Lingshan island, AS-150 (Shandong Province) as B4/BG2CNO during January 13-15, 2022. QRV on CW, SSB & FT8. … Continuer la lecture

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FO/W1XGI Îles Australes

FO/W1XGI Austral Islands Jan 9, 2022 ADVANCE NOTICE – Haru, JA1XGI plans to be active from the Austral island as FO/W1XGI during the month of November (2022). Entire schedule may change due to Coronavirus situation at that time. QRV on … Continuer la lecture

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HR9/AD8J – Honduras

HR9/AD8J – Honduras Jan 6, 2022 UPDATE – John, AD8J informs DX-World that he will be operating holiday style from Guanaja, Honduras as HR9/AD8J during February 12-26, 2022. This QTH is IOTA NA-057 and rare grid EK76. Modes will be … Continuer la lecture

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YB1TDL/4 & YC1RQZ/4 Île de Rakata, OC-262

YB1TDL/4 & YC1RQZ/4 Rakata Island, OC-262 Jan 5, 2022 Gab, HA3JB has announced that Agus YB1TDL and Budi, YC1RQZ will be active from Rakata Island (Greater Krakatau) OC-262 during January 15-20, 2022. QRV on 40-10m, SSB & FT8. QSL via … Continuer la lecture

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E20AX/P Île Samet, AS-107

E20AX/P Samet Island, AS-107 Jan 4, 2022 Following on from their recent IOTA AS-125 activity, team E20AX (Siam DX Group) will this time be QRV from Samet Island, AS-107 during January 8-10, 2022. Bands/modes to be confirmed, but likely same … Continuer la lecture

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B4/BG2CNO Lingshan island, AS-150

B4/BG2CNO Lingshan island, AS-150 Jan 3, 2022 Team members of Huaniu Amateur Radio Club (BI4MPY, BG2CNO & BD3QC) will be active from Lingshan island, AS-150 (Shandong Province) as B4/BG2CNO during January 13-15, 2022. QRV on CW, SSB & FT8. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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