Archives de catégorie : IOTA

S21DX Char Kukri-Mukri, AS-140

S21DX Char Kukri-Mukri, AS-140 Dec 8, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Photos and updates will appear here (and also DX-World). Meanwhile, the team started their journey at 19:00 local. It will take 12 hours to reach Bhola then they will charter … Continuer la lecture

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YB7NUS/P, YB7KE/P & YD7MHZ/P Laut Island, OC-166 Dec 4, 2021 UPDATE – Two short videos of the activity – thanks YD7RV.   DECEMBER 1 – Supported by the Sa-ijaan DXpedition Team, look for YB7NUS/P, YB7KE/P & YD7MHZ/P … Continuer la lecture

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R150WS Île Rykacheva, AS-104

R150WS Rykacheva Island, AS-104

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JD1BMH Ogasawara

JD1BMH Ogasawara Dec 2, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Harry, JG7PSJ informs DX-World that he will again be active as JD1BMH during December 18, 2021 to January 1, 2022. QRV on 80-10m; CW / SSB / RTTY. JANUARY 2, 2021 – … Continuer la lecture

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Laut Island, OC-166

YB7NUS/P, YB7KE/P & YD7MHZ/P Laut Island, OC-166 Dec 1, 2021 Supported by the Sa-ijaan DXpedition Team, look for YB7NUS/P, YB7KE/P & YD7MHZ/P to be active from Laut Island, OC-166 during December 4-5, 2021. QRV on HF bands; SSB,CW & FT8. … Continuer la lecture

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S21DX Manpura island, AS-140

S21DX Manpura island, AS-140 Dec 1, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Team received callsign S21DX and operating permission from Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. DXpedition date and location has been changed to December 10-16to be inline with the permission. Exact coordinate/Grid locator … Continuer la lecture

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Îles Comores (AF-007)

Îles Comores (AF-007) Les membres du Radio Club F6KOP prévoient d’activer les Comores (AF-007) avec une équipe multinationale de 12 opérateurs entre la mi-janvier et 2022. L’activité se déroulera sur 160-10 mètres, en utilisant CW, SSB, RTTY et FT8/FT4, avec … Continuer la lecture

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S21DX, île de Manpura, AS-140

S21DX – Manpura island, AS-140 Nov 28, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – An internal meeting has been conducted and decided to run only one HF station (multi-band fan dipole and multi-band 1/4 vertical) and one QO-100 station. Second station cannot be … Continuer la lecture

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AT7SJ St Georges Isl, AS-177

AT7SJ St Georges Isl, AS-177 Nov 27, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – The team made a recce of the island and provide some pictures for DX-World readers. A reminder the AT7SJ expedition takes place during December 3-6, 2021. NOVEMBER 24 – … Continuer la lecture

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FO/F6ETI & FO/F8BPN Polynésie française

FO/F6ETI & FO/F8BPN French Polynesia Nov 23, 2021 Look for Philippe, F6ETI and Mau, F8BPN to be active from Tahiti (OC-046), Moorea (OC-046), Raiatea (OC-067) and Huahine (OC-067) as FO/F6ETI and FO/F8BPN until December 14, 2021. QRV on HF bands … Continuer la lecture

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LZ0KP Sveti Ivan Island, EU-181

LZ0KP Sveti Ivan Island, EU-181 Nov 21, 2021 An early heads-up. During the IOTA contest 2022 (July 30-31), look for a joint Bulgarian-Greek to activate Sveti Ivan Island, EU-181 as LZ0KP. QSL via SV2CLJ. Info de la Source * ICI … Continuer la lecture

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3B8/KX7M – Mauritius

3B8/KX7M – Mauritius Nov 21, 2021 REMINDER – Part of the 3B8M team, look for Denny, KX7M to be active from Mauritius as 3B8/KX7M during November 22 to December 1, 2021. QRV on HF bands. QSL via F5CWU. Info de … Continuer la lecture

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D6 – Comores DXpedition 2022

D6 – Comoros DXpedition 2022 Nov 20, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Website for this upcoming DXpedition is now available. Click image. OCTOBER 9, 2021 – A multinational 12 operators team of the F6KOP Radioclub will be active from mid to … Continuer la lecture

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HQ9X – Île de Roatan, NA-057

HQ9X – Roatan Island, NA-057 Nov 20, 2021 W1UE is again active as HQ9X from Roatan Island NA-057. Participation in the CQWW CW contest (November 27-28). QSL via KQ1F.  Info de la Source * ICI Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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8Q7JT – Maldives

8Q7JT – Maldives Nov 19, 2021 Tom, WV6E is currently on vacation in Cinnamon Dhonveli, Maldives and is active as 8Q7JT using an IC-7000 & CrankIR antenna (pictured). Activity so far on 30-20-12m FT8. QSL via H/c. Info de la … Continuer la lecture

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MM0UKI/P Île de Rockall, EU-189

MM0UKI/P Isle of Rockall, EU-189 Nov 19, 2021 In June 2022 a team will attempt to land on the Isle of Rockall (IOTA EU-189) – one of the most inhospitable places on Earth. Their intention is to survive on the … Continuer la lecture

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