Archives de catégorie : IOTA

DG5LAC/P Hooge Island, EU-042

DG5LAC/P Hooge Island, EU-042 May 12, 2021 Michael, DG5LAC has announced that he will be active from Hooge Island, EU-042 during July 23-27, 2021. Participation in the IOTA contest (July 24-25). QRV mainly on FT4/FT8 before / after contest. QSL … Continuer la lecture

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NL0H St Lawrence Island, NA-040

NL0H St Lawrence Island, NA-040 May 12, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Henry has been active more than usual recently on both FT8 and SSB. This weekend coming (May 15-16) he mentions emphasis on SSB. NOVEMBER 12, 2020 – Henry, NL0H … Continuer la lecture

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ZF2UX Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands

ZF2UX Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands May 9, 2021 Scott, WU2X is currently active as ZF2UX from Cayman Brac (QTH: ZF9CW). QRV on 15m SSB so far. QSL via LoTW. (Pictures credit ZF9CW) QTH: ZF9CW Info de la Source * ICI … Continuer la lecture

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YB1JYL/7 Sebuku Island, OC-166

YB1JYL/7 Sebuku Island, OC-166 May 7, 2021 Ravie, YC7RV informs DX-World that team YB1JYL/7 will be active from Sebuku Island, OC-166 during June 10-11, 2021. QRV on HF bands; SSB & FT8. QSL via EA5GL. Info de la Source * … Continuer la lecture

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MS0INT Summer Isles, EU-092

MS0INT Summer Isles, EU-092 May 6, 2021 During July 24-26, look for team MS0INT to be active from Horse island (Summer Isles) EU-092. Participation in the IOTA contest as GM5DX. QRV on various bands / modes before and after the … Continuer la lecture

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KL7RRC Kiska Island, NA-070 Alaska

KL7RRC Kiska Island, NA-070 Alaska May 6, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Two pallets weighing 983 pounds and containing much of the equipment required for our upcoming KL7RRC operation set for July, was opened and inventoried today as we continue preparation … Continuer la lecture

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C6AHA Bimini Islands, NA-048

C6AHA Bimini Islands, NA-048 May 2, 2021 [UPDATE] A team consisting AC6ZM, N4RRR, K4KSW, KK4PHD, KN4CV, KN4KJC, N4QBS, NN2T & WA8Y plan activity from the Bimini Islands, NA-048 as C6AHA during July 14-21, 2021. Up to 5 stations in use. … Continuer la lecture

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[ANNULÉ] VK6SJ / 4 Torres Strait, OC-138

[CANCELLED] VK6SJ/4 Torres Strait, OC-138 May 2, 2021 UPDATE by Steve, VK6SJ: I was supposed to be on Iama (Yam), Thursday and Poruma (Coconut) Islands in the Torres Strait (OC-138) between 26th April and 4th May, however this now appears … Continuer la lecture

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JW0W Prins Karls Forland, EU-063

JW0W Prins Karls Forland, EU-063 May 1, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – The JW0W team would like to thank Miguel EA5ZD for the very nice logo designed for our activation of Prins Karls Forland (EU-063) in July 2021. We have one … Continuer la lecture

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Île Prins Karls Forland EU63

Île Prins Karls Forland EU63 du 21 au 26/07/2021 Les opérateurs Erwann LB1QI, Harald LB2HG, Ken LA7GIA, Peter LA7QIA et Christian LA8OM seront actifs en tant que JW0W depuis l’île Prins Karls Forland (EU-063), qui fait partie du groupe des … Continuer la lecture

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MM0GHM/P Isle of Barra, EU-010

MM0GHM/P Isle of Barra, EU-010 Apr 30, 2021 Look for Graham, MM0GHM/P to be active from the Isle of Barra, EU-010 during May 1-8, 2021. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c, eQSL. Note: Barra’s airport is claimed to be … Continuer la lecture

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JI3DST/5 & JR8YLY/5 Shodo Island, AS-200

JI3DST/5 & JR8YLY/5 Shodo Island, AS-200 Apr 28, 2021 [REMINDER] Take, JI3DST got in touch to say he and Masa, JR8YLY will be active from Shodo Island, AS-200 during April 29 to May 5, 2021. QRV on 80-6m; CW/FT8/RTTY/SSB. JI3DST/5 … Continuer la lecture

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W4MY Harkers Island, NA-067

W4MY Harkers Island, NA-067 Apr 28, 2021 Operators W4MY, N4MIO, W8WZ, W4MPS, KG4AKV & W4MGT will be active from Harkers Island, NA-067 (North Carolina State East) during the RSGB IOTA contest (July 24-25, 2021) as W4MY.  Info de la … Continuer la lecture

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TM7P – Petite island, EU-107

TM7P – Petite island, EU-107 Apr 22, 2021 Covid permitting, look for F4FET & F5RAB to be active from Petite island, EU-107 as TM7P during July 23-27, 2021. QRV on 80-2m, SSB-CW-RTTY-FT8. Participation in the RSGB IOTA contest (July 24-25) … Continuer la lecture

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KL7RRC Kiska Island, NA-070 Alaska

KL7RRC Kiska Island, NA-070 Alaska Apr 20, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – After their Covid-related cancellation last year, the Russian Robinson Club (KL7RRC) has resumed plans to activate rare Kiska Island, IOTA NA-070 in July. Located 52.06N, 177.57E, this uninhabited island … Continuer la lecture

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WW6RG/KH9 – Wake Island

WW6RG/KH9 – Wake Island Apr 19, 2021 [REMINDER] Randy, WW6RG will again be active from Wake Island on April 20 & 23. Activity very limited. Check 20 or 17m SSB around 04:30z – 07:00z those days. He will use an … Continuer la lecture

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