Archives de catégorie : IOTA

5H4WZ Tanzania

5H4WZ Tanzania By DX-World – January 22, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – Website here DECEMBER 5, 2019 — Members of the Low Bands Contest Club (OM7M) will take part in an DXpedition to Pemba Island AF-063 from February 6-18, 2020. They … Continuer la lecture

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VK5KI Kangaroo Island, OC-139

VK5KI Kangaroo Island, OC-139 By DX-World – January 22, 2020 Kangaroo Island, the largest island in the OC-139 group, will be activated by a small group of amateurs from Adelaide between 22-28th July 2020 from Emu Bay on the north … Continuer la lecture

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Nouvelles de l’IOTA du DARC

Nouvelles de l’IOTA du DARC Compilé par Andreas, DK5ON du Deutscher Amateur Radio Club Lire la suite ici en Anglais Source de d’info

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C6AKI Bahamas

C6AKI Bahamas By DX-World – January 21, 2020 Buddy, WB4OMG will be active from Grand Bahama Island NA-080 as C6AKI in the CQWW 160m CW Contest this coming weekend. QSL via H/c, LoTW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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Dîner 2020 de l’IOTA

Dîner 2020 de l’IOTA à la convention internationale Visalia DX Will, WC6DX , coordinateur du dîner Visalia IOTA, rapporte: Salutations, amis de l’IOTA – Le 25e dîner annuel de l’IOTA à la convention DX internationale de cette année à Visalia, … Continuer la lecture

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2020 IOTA Bash

2020 IOTA Bash Bob, WB2YQH , rapporte: Les détails du Bash IOTA 2020 sont maintenant sur le site Web de l’IREF (Island Radio Expedition Foundation) Lire la suite ici en Anglais Source de d’info

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OX3LX Aasiaat Island, NA-134

OX3LX Aasiaat Island, NA-134 Bo, OX3LX By DX-World – January 20, 2020 Bo, OX3LX informs that he will be active (when time permits) from Asiaat Island NA-134 during January 21-31, 2020. He says best chance to work him will be … Continuer la lecture

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Nouvelles IOTA d’OPDX

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Haiti 2020 DXpedition

Haiti 2020 DXpedition By DX-World – January 19, 2020 DX-World has learned that a 3-4 man team plan activity from the northern part of Haiti (HH5) and one of its coastal islands (NA-149) during early May 2020. Website with full … Continuer la lecture

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CB0Z Alejandro Selkirk Island, SA-101NEW.

CB0Z Alejandro Selkirk Island, SA-101NEW. By DX-World – January 17, 2020 On January 12th, DX-World first made reference to an IOTA DXpedition to Alejandro Selkirk Island, SA-101NEW. Today, we can reveal more info. Nando, IT9YRE and Mike, K9AJ hope to … Continuer la lecture

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ZW6C – Tinhare Island, SA-080

[QRV] ZW6C – Tinhare Island, SA-080 By DX-World – January 16, 2020 PP2OK, PY6ZK, PU6JEL & PY6TV will be active from Tinhare Island, SA-080 as ZW6C during January 16-19, 2020. QRV on 40-20-10m; CW/SSB. QSL via PY6TV. Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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VK5KI Kangaroo Island, OC-139

VK5KI Kangaroo Island, OC-139 By DX-World – January 15, 2020 Details to be announced soon.. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate VK5KI Kangaroo Island, OC-139 Les détails seront annoncés bientôt .. Source de d’info

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9M2SAF/P Pulau Lalang Perak, AS-072

9M2SAF/P Pulau Lalang Perak, AS-072 By DX-World – January 15, 2020 Safri, 9M2SAF announces he will be active from Pulau Lalang Perak AS-072 during January 21-27, 2020. This will be his first IOTA activity. QRV on 160-10m, CW/SSB/Digi. QSL via … Continuer la lecture

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MM8C & GM3RCV Monach Isles, EU-111

MM8C & GM3RCV Monach Isles, EU-111 By DX-World – January 13, 2020 G0VJG, G2NF, G4TSH, GM0WED, G4FAL & G0FDZ will be active as MM8C from Ceann Ear, Monach isles, EU-111 during the RSGB IOTA contest (July 25-26, 2020). QRV outwith … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA DXpedition SA-101NEW

IOTA DXpedition Alejandro Selkirk Island, SA-101NEW By DX-World – January 12, 2020 The first week of February 2020 will see an IOTA DXpedition to Alejandro Selkirk Island, SA-101NEW take place. The island is situated 180km west of Robinson Crusoe Island … Continuer la lecture

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HR9/WA4DT Roatan Island, NA-057

HR9/WA4DT Roatan Island, NA-057 By DX-World – January 11, 2020 Dirk, WA4DT will be active from Roatan Island, NA-057 as HR9/WA4DT during January 18 to February 2, 2020. QRV on 40 & 30m; CW, FT8. QSL via H/c. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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